Discover Oceanogràfic’s commitment to science at “Christmas under the sea”

Discover Oceanogràfic’s commitment to science at “Christmas under the sea”

Designed for him above all general children, the Valencia’s oceanography prepared for these Christmas holiday your own program “Christmas Under the Sea”extends from the next day From December 27 to January 4 It includes Fun and educational workshops and activities For all the little ones who visit the largest aquarium in Europe.

the CEO, Eduardo NoguésHe explained that the organized program involves a great effort and they are Contribute to a promotion for this birthday in the city of Valencia.

Six workshops to entertain, learn and raise awareness

the Oceanografic Bring back a total Six workshops Distributed in different outdoor spaces, which is supposed to add to Visit the aquarium, which is located in City of Arts and Sciences, a new element of fun, but always with Objective of dissemination and awareness, As mentioned Marta Calabuge, Festival Coordinator.

For this reason, the Ministry of Education has designed six business areas with a The maximum number of participants is determined by the current covid-19 regulations, with different central themes, but always associated with The world of the seas and the environment.

in workshop “Fill the whale” Kids will discover How do these animals feed?. in activity “Christmas” eggs They will know How does salinity affect some species anchors and in “Feather Claus” They will learn how Aquatic bird They are able not to get wet.

Eduardo Nogués and Marta Calabuig next to the Oceanogràfic shark-shaped Christmas mailbox. ED

in a “The Three Scholars” The Ministry of Education will explain how sea ​​turtle They are able to float and in crafts “The Elf Falls” s Without green, there is no blue., will create boys and girls personalized christmas decorationsThey’ll be able to make an environmental wish for the next year and they’ll know Importance of Posidonia Meadows on Planet Earth.

In all of them a Six children maximum, except in sea ​​of ​​wishes, where is the 12 people enter.

Information about the workshops is now available at Oceanogràfic . website s No prior reservation required to be able to participate.

Activities will take place every day Between 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM, except on January 1, which will start at 12:30 PM.

Music, interactive games, Dolphinarium and Letter to the Kings

To enrich the authentic festival that constitutes “Christmas Under the Sea”, the main course will be starred by oceanographic dolphins, with Tutorial show It is aligned with the objectives of the aquarium to show the beauty of these animals and their contribution to science.

Boys and girls attend the Oceanogràfic “Christmas Eggs” workshop. ED

In addition, throughout this festive focus, videos of some of the The heroes who combined different children’s workshops.

On the other hand, during all the days it was “Christmas Under the Sea”, there will be a mailbox at the disposal of the little ones, and “Tibuzon”, installed in the frog area, where Leave messages for the Magi And from January 1 to 4, there will be attendance The Royal Postman and his ordering page.

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