Discover the 10 best countries to live in the World!

Discover the 10 best countries to live in the World!

Who has never thought of living outside Brazil, even if only for a limited time? Then you need to know the best countries to live in, which stand for the quality of life, job opportunities, cultural experiences and lots of fun.

Come with us and find the place you’ve always dreamed of. We list here 10 destinations that will surprise you. Check them out!

The best countries to live in: which countries, attractions, and useful information.

One thing is for sure: if you decide to live in another country, be prepared to have unforgettable experiences, meet people from all over the world, immerse yourself in completely different cultures and, of course, visit incredible places.

On the list of the best countries to live in, the United States and Canada in North America stand out for their quality of life, safety, and access to education.

On the European continent, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Iceland, and Sweden are favored for their low unemployment rates, employment opportunities, and high levels of social equality.

Ireland is also part of the ranking, as it has become an excellent destination for those who want to learn English in recent years. The country is known for being less bureaucratic when it comes to accepting foreigners.

In Oceania, Australia and New Zealand are two of the most desirable countries due to their natural landscapes, excellent access to health and educational facilities, and the opportunity to learn English.

Reasons to live abroad

Even though Brazil is a country with countless qualities and opportunities, many people choose to have a new life experience in another country for many reasons.

For whatever reason, the experience of living in another country can significantly change the way people see the world.

Cultural Experience

Not only will you find out which countries are the best to live in, but you will also have a very interesting cultural experience, as each country has its customs, traditions, and way of life.

To enjoy your stay in another country, you should get involved in a way of life that may be completely different from what you are used to. If you want to stay in another country for a long time you can try for renting an apartment.

Try new flavors, listen to new music, learn about different customs, and incorporate anything you find interesting. After all, this is the only way to enjoy and immerse yourself in the local culture.

Job Opportunities

Employment opportunities, especially in developed countries, are one of the main reasons Brazilians look for the best countries to live and work in.

In many countries, you have to study to earn the right to work a certain number of hours.

The advantage is that in many places salaries are much higher than in Brazil and you can make a living, travel and even save money.

Many people leave Brazil to work in their field, but many others want the experience and end up working in other fields, such as babysitting, waiting tables, driving, delivering, etc.

Academic exchange

Academic exchanges are also among the main reasons that attract Brazilians to live in another country. Many of them even receive scholarships for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs at prestigious educational institutions.

Others, however, pay for their studies and take the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture.

Also, many Brazilians leave the country to participate in exchange programs, as several schools around the world accept foreigners who want to study languages.

International travel insurance to visit countries!

But to enjoy the best countries in the world, you should know that most local governments require you to purchase international travel insurance.

If you want to study outside Brazil, you need to have international health insurance that covers medical services. However, if you will be living in a particular country for another reason, you will need to purchase expatriate or immigrant insurance with different coverage.

Generally, international travel insurance provides coverage for medical expenses in case of accidents, for medical treatment, medications, and transportation if necessary.

The advantage is that these days, insurance policies come in a wide variety of price ranges and coverages, so you can choose the one that best fits your trip and budget.

When it comes to finding the best options, you can count on our Seguros Promo platform, which compiles the most advantageous options and prices to guarantee you a great time in the best places in the world.

The best countries to live in: Top 10

The truth is that around the planet there are incredible countries to live in that offer the best experiences for foreigners. That’s why it’s not always easy to choose the best countries to live in, is it?

For this reason, we have selected the 10 best countries from which you can choose the one that best suits your interests and needs.

United States

Of course, the United States would be at the top of our ranking. As one of the most developed countries in the world, it is one of the best destinations for those who want to study and work, despite its caution in accepting foreigners.

With a stable economy, North American cities guarantee excellent job opportunities, as well as leisure, safety, and excellent educational institutions, which are considered a reference worldwide.


A rich nation with high per capita income and gross domestic product, Australia stands out in the ranking of the most livable countries mainly because of its quality of life, safety, good employment opportunities, and affordability.

In addition, a country is a good option for people who want to learn English, as there are many language schools with good prices. In addition, the country is in high demand because the visa application process is relatively hassle-free.

Not to mention that Australia is one of the most beautiful countries on earth, with breathtaking natural landscapes and pleasant temperatures all year round. An ideal destination for those who want to spend a season in a natural environment and an always cheerful and young atmosphere.


Unlike the tropical climate of Australia, Iceland, considered a Nordic country, is also one of the most desirable places for those who want to live abroad.

The destination country is on the list of best countries to live in, mainly because it is very welcoming to immigrants from all parts of the world and also offers an excellent quality of life with easy access to education, security, and health.

With its 103,000 square kilometers, Iceland is also attractive to foreigners because of its environmental protection and beautiful natural landscapes.

However, if you decide to visit this country, you must keep in mind that the climate there is Nordic and the temperatures are very cold all year round.


Among the best countries for Brazilians to live in, Canada is always on the top of the list because it offers a high quality of life to its immigrants.

The country is considered one of the most advantageous due to its stable economy and politics, and it also offers excellent access to healthcare, which is considered one of the most developed systems in the world.

Canadian cities are highly sought after because they offer excellent employment opportunities, leisure, entertainment, and safety.

The destination also has numerous English language schools for foreigners that attract students from all over the world.


Denmark is considered the happiest place in the world and tops the list of the most livable countries.

The country has very low social inequality, good employment opportunities with high salaries, and a high HDI.

The country is also popular with foreigners who want to improve their English, as English is considered the second official language in Denmark.

Despite being a country with a freezing climate, the experience of living in Denmark is surprising, as the country offers beautiful landscapes and the most diverse leisure and entertainment opportunities.


Very close to Denmark, Switzerland is also very successful when it comes to the ranking of the best countries in the world. The destination, which is one of the most visited destinations for snow lovers, is also a good option for living.

In a very small area of just over 40 thousand square kilometers, the country has a good structure with access to education, health, security, and transportation, as well as a variety of jobs.

For those who are not afraid of low temperatures, the country is one of the most beautiful places to live and also for foreigners who want to do tourism in Switzerland.


One of the best countries to live and work in Europe is undoubtedly Sweden, which is characterized by an excellent quality of life, economic stability, and security.

In addition, the country, which is considered extremely capitalistic, invests heavily in public services and offers free access to health and education.

Sweden has one of the highest life expectancies in the world and is also known for having the most generous people in the world, which makes it easier for foreigners to socialize.

New Zealand

New Zealand cities with their beautiful natural landscapes are also considered the best destinations to live in the world.

The main reasons that make foreigners choose the country include its high quality of life, political and economic stability, and safety.

The country is also a popular destination for students, as there are many language schools and an excellent job market for foreigners.


Luxembourg is also one of the best countries to live in Europe due to several factors including quality of life, safety, and low unemployment.

In addition, the country is considered one of the safest for women on the entire European continent. Luxembourg also offers an excellent transportation infrastructure, an excellent education system, and quality leisure and entertainment options.


Ireland, affectionately known as the Emerald Isle, could not be missing from our list. In recent years, it has gained international notoriety among foreigners looking to improve their English.

Irish cities offer great English schools with very advantageous values that attract many Brazilian students every year.

Besides education, Irish cities also guarantee their immigrants security, transportation, leisure, and quality housing.

Not to mention that the country is highly sought after because its housing approval process is one of the least bureaucratic in the world.

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