Do you want to sow discord between China and Africa? US calculations are ridiculous and useless – English

Do you want to sow discord between China and Africa?  US calculations are ridiculous and useless – English

People noted that US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken strongly encouraged that “America is back” during his visit to Africa, claiming that he did not want to restrict Africa’s connection to other countries, but at the same time hinting that infrastructure agreements offered by some countries “make the debts of African countries out of range of control. Many analysts believe this is targeting the “Belt and Road” initiative.

But as Blinken personally felt in Africa, the unity, friendship and close cooperation between China and Africa are inseparable. when his convoy was traveling on an upturned highway built by China in Nairobi; When he left Abuja airport in Nigeria, he saw the building of the China Chamber of Commerce; Feeling the warm atmosphere of the upcoming Ministerial Meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Senegal, we asked if Mr. Blinken felt guilt with a written letter ready in hand.

The facts show that too. The Nigerian Foreign Minister responded to Blinken vis-a-vis: “We see a great opportunity to cooperate with the Chinese. They have rich experience in large-scale infrastructure and engineering projects.” The main South African media outlet Citizen puts it bluntly: “The United States is already the largest economy in the world, but this does not give it the ability to guide the leaders of African countries. African countries have the right. To choose with which country to “make friends”.

Sincerity is the key to making friends. For too long, US support for Africa was just lip service, or it attached political conditions. After all, the United States did not really care about the development of Africa, and its goal was never to allow Africans to live a better life, but to use Africa as a tool for geopolitical games. “America is back,” shouts Blinkin, “but the truth is that for the past quarter century, Africa has been like the forgotten continent of the United States.” Since you haven’t been here before, how can you talk about “returning”? “The Diplomat” clearly states that “Africa has never been the priority direction of American diplomacy.”

In contrast, China has always been honest with African friends. Recently, a Zimbabwean television station produced a documentary on “low incidence and zero mortality” among residents and tourists in the country’s Victoria Falls with the help of Chinese vaccinations, the gradual recovery of tourism and the recovery of the economy. More than 95% of the new coronavirus vaccines in Zimbabwe are said to come from China.

Who is the true friend of Africa? The truth gave the answer. According to a recent report published by the well-known African polling agency “African Barometer”, China ranks first in Africa’s influence. 63% of respondents believe that China’s political and economic influence in their country is “very” or “relatively” positive, and 66% of respondents believe that China’s political and economic influence in Africa is positive. “We need China,” was the assessment of Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in an interview a few days ago, and it is also the common will of the African people.

What Africa needs is sincerity, not miscalculation. The United States should listen to the advice of South African expert Eric Orland: “Discrediting China is a doomed game for the US government. If senior US officials want to be taken seriously, they should heed China’s presence in Africa to its positive agenda on the continent.” African”.

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