Does the United States not allow this? – Finance

Does the United States not allow this?  – Finance

The United States will not allow this! It’s a phrase we hear often. Whoever supports it does so with blind faith with quasi-religious certainty.

The phrase is a myth.. Many things are happening in the world that contradict the interests and desires of the United States without being able to prevent them.

Like any idea that rises to the status of a myth, it does not appear out of nowhere and is backed by the facts and facts that seem to support it: intelligence missions, intervention, economic, political, and sometimes military pressures.

They have influence, but they do not have absolute power.

Perhaps we need more evidence from Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Hong Kong or closer to today’s Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.

Last Sunday, Daniel Ortega celebrated an election farce. In elections that are clearly sham, with the opposition imprisoned, and candidates banned, persecuted or exiled.

Whoever was the first president of the Sandinista Revolution that overthrew dictator Anastasio Somoza will begin his fifth term (fourth in a row) as head of state of Nicaragua, removing any doubts about who the dictator is now.

And what do they think? The United States allowed it.

Not only does he love what is happening in the second poorest country in Latin America, but it shows once again that his strength is not all-encompassing.

The countries of the planet have room to maneuver, they can challenge and confront the superpower to bear the costs and risks, and at the same time they have a certain guarantee that the ‘weapons’ that will be used by the United States and even the international community are limited in scope.

This is evident in President Biden’s own words issued by the White House after the election:

“(…) We call on the Ortega Murillo regime to take immediate measures to restore democracy in Nicaragua and to immediately and unconditionally release those unjustly imprisoned for speaking out about violations and to advocate the right of Nicaraguans to vote in free and fair elections. Until then, states will use United, in close coordination with other members of the international community, have all the diplomatic and economic tools at our disposal to support the people of Nicaragua and hold the government of Ortega Murillo and those who facilitate its abuses accountable.”

In short: calls, announcements, diplomatic tools, economic pressures, but even there. This “arsenal” has been proven to be wet gunpowder for tyrants who only aspire to cling to power, no matter what pernicious effects it causes to their countries.

As a warning to all citizens interested in protecting and defending democracy in our country. This is an internal and useless task to “put candles” on a saint who, on the one hand, is not so strong, and on the other hand, sets his sights on his own internal fractures and, if anything, about the great geopolitical problems of the world.

Focusing on the Mexican issue, it is necessary to understand that defending democracy in our country is a matter for all of us and especially for the institution that we have historically built together so that the votes can be counted and counted.

That is why it is necessary to assess the importance of the political work of the advisers of the National Electoral Institute, headed by Lorenzo Cordova, as well as the thousands of officials and workers of the federal and local authorities who carry out professional and honest work.

It is they and the millions of citizens who actively participate during electoral processes (voters, party representatives, investigative observers, heads of polling stations, etc.) who can prevent impunity from current or future political figures who want to impose their will. Above what is expressed in the ballot boxes in fair and competitive processes.

To preserve and strengthen democracy in our country, let us stop believing in a “supernatural” force (the myth that the United States will prevent dictatorship in Mexico) and let us understand that this corresponds to us. Only there they will issue calls, advertisements and penalties of limited scope.

El autor es CEO Founder LEXIA Insights & Solutions.

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