Educators must motivate young people to engage in science

Educators must motivate young people to engage in science

Currently, there is a greater motivation to study science because, unlike in other times, now more young people are entering university classrooms to continue their postgraduate degree training, Dr. The Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi (UASLP).

Al Muallem also commented that at the national and international levels, scholarly publishing is increasingly being promoted. For this reason, it is imperative that researchers now wear the publishers’ shirt to comply with the National Council on Science and Technology (Conacyt) guidelines on the social appropriation of knowledge, something else that populations apply and use as science studies and develops.

He considered that the world is now facing fierce competition. The university teacher must motivate the youth and encourage them to be curious, research and suggest answers to the problems they face from various fields of application of science. Well, by learning about the business field along with the social field, this is how they will face the challenges involved in developing their career and will appreciate the value of academic training and specialization.

He said that although college students currently have a lot of information available on different topics, each age has its challenges and opportunities. Therefore, he recommends his students in class to read the book: Cazadores de Microbios, which tells the story of many scientists associated with microbiology, including Louis Pasteur. She explained that when she completed her doctorate she was about to give up her studies, because the pace of work and taking care of her children made the work heavy, but her family supported her and concluded her major.

Dr. Cubias Tejeda has been involved for several years in research projects of the Center for Applied Research in Environment and Health (CIAAS), which belongs to the UASLP Coordination of Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIACyT). Specifically, with regard to risk communication, a process that seeks to inform the population of the risks they face so that they can do something to reduce their exposure and in terms of managing it.

Thanks to this, he worked with children, adolescents, families from rural areas and marginalized indigenous people: in the Morales district of the capital, Potosi, where, in addition to lead and arsenic, specialists discovered soil contamination in certain areas; in the colonies of Las Terceras; In the educational institutions of the municipality of Villa de la Paz, where the general population has been informed of the dangers due to the problems faced by the population due to the high production of mining. And since 2014, a healthy habits program for disease prevention has been developed, as well as information on fluoride in water. All this in order to encourage the participation of the population, so that they are involved in solving the problems affecting them.

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