Environmental education and citizen science against garbage

Environmental education and citizen science against garbage

An important new impetus for “knowledge through science and the garbage debate”. This is how the main goal of living week, a proposal for environmental education and citizen science that launches Libra Project, from SEO / BirdLife in alliance with EquimbesAnd

Living Week is celebrated from 25 to 29 October 2021 in the format Online With the aim of “presenting a week to attendees in which science is the champion to provide durable solutions in the fight against abandoned waste in natural environments.”

Thus, during the conference, anyone interested will be able, through talks and presentations, to delve deeper into the knowledge of environmental problems associated with litter, such as the impact of microplastics on biodiversity, and chemical pollution of spaces. From litter to animals.

Training and knowledge

To implement this initiative, the Libera project is engaging CSIC researchers, representatives of NGOs and experts in the conservation of natural spaces, who, with their knowledge and experience, will share the keys to prevention and enable them to configure measures that end with this. A serious environmental problem.

On Monday, October 25 at 10 a.m., it opens in the presence of Asunción Ruiz, CEO of SEO / BirdLife and Oscar Martin, CEO of Equimbes To make room for a webinar where the results of a landscape pollution study conducted by SEO/BirdLife will be presented within the framework of Ciencia Libera, a project showing the health status of 140 important areas of bird conversation and biodiversity (IBA) and how litter can affect the pollution of these valuable areas high environmental. IDAEA-CSIC researcher Maria Dolsat will share the results of this large-scale study in Spain.

Volunteers in the work of collecting garbage in nature.

David F. Sabacell / Libera Project

On the same day 25 in the afternoon, it will be clarified what it consists of choking project, an initiative aimed at preventing and contributing to the study and improvement of the conservation of river environments, and in the same way, the impact of microplastics will be studied in depth. Environmental journalist and publisher José Luis Gallego will be interviewed by ICRA researcher Jose Castaño and Iago Pérez, a technical specialist in the conservation of species and aquatic habitats at Libera’ La Sorellona (Girona), and those responsible for this session will be broadcast on Instagram Live from the Ecoembes profile.

Continuing with programming, on Tuesday October 26, Maria Cabrera, Head of Communications at Clean Landscape and Beatriz López, Project Technician Zero Waste, “will present results of waste characterization to find out the most common waste in nature. Spaces.

On Wednesday, October 27, a webinar will be held on the presence of microplastics in rivers, with David Leon, Physician Biologist and Asociación Hombre y Territorio, as an invited expert.

In the same way, this day will be counted at 5 p.m. with an interview from Jose Luis Gallego to Carolina Alcobendas, wildlife restoration technician and “Los Hornos” Environmental Education Center (Sierra de Fuentes, Extremadura), where an Instagram Live chat will analyze the damage Main identified in animals due to litter.

View from the vantage point of the Risco de Sierra de Fuentes.

View from the vantage point of the Risco de Sierra de Fuentes.

Planvex / CC

The fourth and final day, on Thursday, October 28, will be starring Andres Barbosa, Research Scientist at the National Museum of Natural Sciences, CSIC, and Vice President of SEO/BirdLife, who will share his experience on how litter affects biodiversity. Based on a recently published study that confirms the presence of microplastic particles in Antarctic penguin droppings.

“In scientific knowledge we have the best ally to predict and combat the environmental crisis in which we are immersed. But just as important to generate this knowledge is to make it reach the public. An educated and enlightened society is a prerequisite for implementing the long-awaited environmental transformation”, highlights Miguel Muñoz, Project Coordinator Libera at SEO/BirdLife.

La Semana Viva: Environmental Education and Citizen Science Against Garbage

On her part, Sarah Gomis, Libera Project Coordinator at Ecoembes, noted that “Living Week represents a few days of reflection, knowledge and science, but above all to highlight the importance of fighting for a living Earth and planet. We are fortunate to have excellent speakers from different fields of business who contribute not only their knowledge but also the richness and quality of their experiences. In the same way, we would like to thank all attendees for their commitment to our surroundings.”

This is the first edition of living week It increases the importance of knowledge and research as a way to fight garbage and build the planet we want together. People who wish to attend the conference can register for free on the project website and consult the full program.

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