Experiments and treatments are operating in Uganda and Zambia

Experiments and treatments are operating in Uganda and Zambia

The new data reveals that the method of testing and treatment has a significant impact on the number of people who receive HIV treatment. After it was adopted by Uganda in 2017 and according to government data, the number of men who started treatment for the first time increased from 60,000 in 2016 to 80,000 a year in a row. The number of women starting treatment also for the first time in the same period increased from 107,000 to 138,000 in total.

It should also be noted that the treatment gap between people diagnosed with HIV and those starting HIV treatment has narrowed for both men and women in Uganda. The male gap has decreased by 45%, from 33,000 in 2016 to 18,000 in 2017; The number of females decreased by 60% in the same period, down from 48,000 to 19,000. Despite the fact that more women are giving more serum results on tests than men, the HIV treatment gap is fading for them as well as for them.

Similar trends were observed in Zambia after the introduction of the testing and treatment policy in 2017. Zambia has seen an increase in the number of people starting HIV treatment for the first time: from 23,000 in the first quarter of 2016 to 45,000 in the fourth quarter of 2017. According to Zambia Government sources, this will be an increase of 65%.


By way Analysis and treatmentIf someone tests positive, HIV treatment should begin immediately. Before the advent of this method, people with HIV had to wait for their CD4 cell count to drop to a certain level before starting treatment.

The effects of analysis and treatment were seen after the recent establishment of so-called “case rooms” in Uganda and Zambia. Case rooms are interactive software platforms that focus data about HIV, among other diseases, to better monitor these cases and create programs so that services reach more people.

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