Facebook is accepting political ads in the US again

Facebook is accepting political ads in the US again

Featured news from Technique

The social network had banned this type of advertisements after elections that brought about severe political and social tension in that country, with the aim of preventing various political actors from using the platform to spread doubts about the electoral process or challenge the legitimacy of the results.

The social network, Facebook, announced that it has been accepting again since Thursday political ads in the United States, thus lifting the ban that had been in effect since the presidential elections last November.

“We will once again accept announcements of political, electoral and social affairs in the United States from Thursday, March 4,” they said from the company that Mark Zuckerberg runs in an update on his official blog.

Facebook decided to ban this type of ads after elections that led to severe political and social tension in the United States, with the aim of preventing various political actors from using the platform to spread doubts about the electoral process or challenge the legitimacy of the results, as was already expected and ended up after the defeat of former President Donald Trump.

Also read: Facebook will limit political ads in the US for another month

Menlo Park (California, USA) said that during this period it received many comments and considerations about its decision, and that it would use them to study the changes that it could make during the coming months to improve the advertising and political system.

Although the veto has been kept active since Election Day Nov.3, Facebook made a temporary exception to holding special elections for the Senate in Georgia in early January.

Last week, he was the other big dominator of online advertising besides Facebook, Google, which has also lifted the veto on political ads and has again accepted such advertising.

In the event that the search engine was signed, the ban has been in effect since January 13, a week after thousands of Trump supporters, some carrying firearms, stormed the US Capitol to protest the election results – claiming that there is no evidence of this. There was fraud – in which the Republican lost to Democrat Joe Biden.

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