Germany ready to return to ‘home office’ before new wave of COVID-19

Germany ready to return to ‘home office’ before new wave of COVID-19

employment Germany, The the authorities Getting ready to go back to I work from home, also known ashome office‘, before the new wave of COVID-19 representing the European continent.

Proyect from Law It seeks to compel companies to suggest that their employees work from home if there is no “compelling reason to work” to emerge immediately.

The initiative states that people who attend work must prove that they have been vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit a negative test.

The three parties are negotiating the future alliance of government in Germany They also agreed to impose a series of restrictions on the unvaccinated and confront the worsening epidemic in the country, where vaccination rates are among the lowest in Europe.

This agreement includes measures to reduce contacts and a requirement to obtain a certificate of vaccination or a negative test for access to public transportation.

In Germany, 67.5 percent of the population received the full course of the vaccine and at least 70 percent received the first dose, representing the lowest vaccination rate in Germany. Western Europe.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital and EFE

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