“Give a voice to science and medicine so that they are erased from the non-existent debate”

“Give a voice to science and medicine so that they are erased from the non-existent debate”

At 11:59 p.m. on June 6, “I had intended to resume the hunger strike I had suspended on May 8. In light of what is happening and given the continued rejection of debate within the scientific community on the subject of Covid-19, I believe that I must again satiate my hunger for truth: “This was the Secretary of the Radical, Lucani Bolognetti. “While people around the world are being raised to contemplate the advisability of vaccinating less than sixteen conditionally authorized serums, and in the name of no one knows what safety and health protections are, we are moving forward with a criminal vaccination programme. Also targeting age groups that are clearly not In fact, to be honest, given the recorded deaths, the Covid vaccine for the 0-19 age group (we could even say 0-50) poses a much higher risk of Sarscov2 infection. All of this is happening as Figliolo’s senior advisor says there have been mistakes in standardizing care and that the “watchful waiting Tachipirina” approach was “a little too simple.” All of this is happening as Prime Minister Mario Draghi said that “the coronavirus can undergo dangerous mutations that could undermine even the most successful vaccination campaign,” he said. Bolognetti All this happens while we continue to deny proven therapeutic methods and continue to endorse errors which, at this point, are not errors and should rather be defined as criminal acts. There is science and medicine that have no citizenship in this country. I ask that Italians have the opportunity to hear sounds or Those who have been silenced. I ask the citizens of this country to be able to hear the voices of Donzelli, Garavelli, Seraval, and lawyers like Alessandra Devitag. 93 Israeli doctors voted “no” to vaccinate minors, and 40 British scientists did the same. Voices of non-dogmatic science. Just as last year, in unexpected times, I invited you to reflect on what happened in China, today I am again strongly requesting to highlight the many dark spots of the health emergency that has become a farce and tragedy. It has become more and more and above all a democratic emergency, fueled by the assault on the political rights of the citizen. In addition, questioning conflicts of interest and pressure groups is never more publicly urgent. The question about the dangerous confusion between the control system and the control system » concluded Bologna.

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