Greetings to Family Medicine

For centuries, it was medicine He studied which diseases Affect a person in a way Prevent them and create cures To treat them.

Within this broad science, There is family medicine, and it is The specialty that provides care Continuous and comprehensive medical The individual and the family. It is the specialty Integrated into the rear Biological, clinical and Behavior.

Like a medical specialty Relatively young, transcendent Family medicine in The first level is for system attention Health in Mexico is indisputable.

Last Thursday, March 11th Mexican Federation Specialists and residents AC Family Medicine, published It was shown in the capital of Potosí Commemorative book for 25 One anniversary of its founding Mexican Medical College AC familiar

Greeting for the doctors

The publication is titled “Legacies.” the doctors. 25 years of education Continues in family medicine, ” It records the development of this discipline In Mexico, Latin America and Around the world, as well as the panorama Current and future prospects.

Coordination and grouping They were responsible for the doctor Fernando Hernandez Avila, the current Federation President Mexican specialists and Residing in AC Family Medicine

Editorial production was carried out By Potosina Graphstyle Publishing Publishers, headed by its publisher Alejandro Castillo Vázquez Villa.

The project appeared as a book My memorial for the 25th anniversary From the Mexican College Still AC family medicine As testimony of precedents, Current development and panorama Family Medicine in Mexico “, Alejandro Castillo said in an interview With Express.

The publication, in addition to Historical section of this major Medically, it contains certificates For some members of the organization Referring to a system National Health, illustrated with Pictures that refer to medicine.

“ Iconography is subject to A. Choose representative artwork And a reference to medicine Family. Most of them are artists Mexicans among them are beautiful The work of Potosina Pilar Pacheco “, Editor added.

Medical certificates

Some texts are included in The book has to do, in addition to The essence of family medicine, The role you play At the national level, not just health, But politics and society.

“We love family medicine Or it has nothing to do with politics. Enter our services in a The health system is a decision Politics, what else do you need besides that Human Resource Management Correct system and layout To face the changes made Such a decision necessitates, because it is about To move from a focused system In hospitals for those who are privileged Primary care units Such as health centers or Family Medicine Units – Dr. Georgina Farfan.

“In our country, it’s strength Social security is always anchored In family medicine It is located on the first floor, where Solve the main needs Population health and Access to other medical services. (…) one of the this work [este libro] It has been confirmed The change in family care In order to achieve targeted care A healthy person or a patient The influence of the environment Ocean B. “- Dr. Minerva Polina Hernandez-Martinez.

The printed version of “Medical Legacies”, “It consists of a thousand copies Trade it directly From the Mexican Medical College A family member requests it over the phone Or email ” Alejandro Castillo.

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