Gustavo Noboa will have surgery in the United States after a tumor appears in his brain

Gustavo Noboa will have surgery in the United States after a tumor appears in his brain

January 30, 2021 7:00 pm

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Former President of the Republic Gustavo NoboaThe 83-year-old will travel to the United States due to medical complications. Several personalities expressed concern about the health status of the person who ruled the country between 2000 and 2003.

President Lenin Moreno referred to the issue on his Twitter account on January 30, 2021.

“I have learned that former President GustavoNoboaB_ is in a very delicate state of health. For him and his family, a great hug and my best wishes for a speedy recovery. We will be waiting.”

Joffrey CampanaA friend of Noboa commented that the former president had informed his relatives that he would do so temporarily Intervened Next February 9, in the presence of Prof. tumor in that brain.

“I owe my friends tenderness, unfortunately, my meningioma happened in my brain again. I have to have surgery. Maybe on February 9th, I will be in Jackson (a hospital) in Miami … It’s the will of our Lord.” Noboa shared with him on his cell phone friends close.

The campaign recalled that the former president three years ago was already Working For tumor at brain. “This is the second occurrence of that tumor … It would be okay, it was detected in time.”

His son-in-law, Gustavo Gonzalez, confirmed that the former president will travel on Saturday 6 February to United State.


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