Uganda: Motorcycle taxis are increasingly environmentally friendly | Climate Change in World Religions | DW

Uganda: Motorcycle taxis are increasingly environmentally friendly |  Climate Change in World Religions |  DW

The goal of the project: Helping Uganda transition to electric mobility and raising awareness of green technologies.

budget: The project is part of a $ 34 million initiative (about 31.5 million euros) that seeks to support 17 developing and emerging countries in their transition to electric mobility, within the framework of the International Climate Protection Initiative (IKI, for its abbreviation in Germany)

Project partners: Directed by a program United Nations Environment (UNEP) and the International Energy Agency (IEA), in cooperation with the Ugandan Ministry of Energy and Minerals Development.

Electric mobility is still a new phenomenon in Uganda. Less than 10 percent of the vehicles on roads in the capital, Kampala, are powered by electricity. A new project by the International Climate Initiative of the German Environment Ministry and the United Nations Development Program aims to change that. The goal is to improve air quality in Ugandan cities while creating new jobs in the green technology sector.

In Kampala, motorcycles are the main form of transportation. Domestic companies Zembo and Bodawerk are leaders in the manufacture of more environmentally friendly motorcycles. Bodawerk is transforming traditional motorcycles by integrating electric motors, while Zembo is importing electric bikes from China and is building a network of solar powered charging stations.

For drivers of wedding, or motorcycle taxis, to transport commuters who drive on their motorbikes through the Ugandan capital, switching to electric bikes is proving to be a good investment.

Photo report by Wolf Gebhardt s Julius Mugamboa

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