Have you worked in the United States? You can process a pension – El Sol del Centro

Have you worked in the United States?  You can process a pension – El Sol del Centro

Retired workers who have worked 10 years in the United States and are 62 years old may be eligible for a lifetime pension.

United States Consulate General Officials They reported that it does not matter that these ten years of work have been accumulated by the worker in various companies and seasons; “It builds up over the years and we can do the paperwork and pensions for them.”

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They realize that many of the people looking to get this benefit are already seniors, which is why, though The procedure is personalAnd the “If there is a person who cannot manage or rely on himself, we are looking for a family member or the person who takes care of him, so that we can fulfill that person’s request on behalf of the beneficiary”.

The United States Consulate General Officials They mentioned it now In Aguascalientes there are 1515 beneficiarieswho receive jointly $130,000 per month for pensions; They added that these subsidies are for life and the deposit is received by the persons in the banking institution of their choice.

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People who have doubts about their access to a file pensionyou can send an email using Social Security number (for the United States) and its data; A specialist in the subject will bring them in to ask them how long they have paid their taxes in the neighboring country in the north and if they meet the required ten years, they will be able to get pension.

to conclude United States Consulate General Officials Determine that everything formalities It is carried out exclusively in the offices of the Consulate, All services are completely free Any appointment or procedure should be made to the e-mail: [email protected]

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