“Humanisation, knowledge by heart”

“Humanisation, knowledge by heart”

…the wording.
The Al-Bishr Foundation Its purpose is to promote humanization processes in the social and health environment. Organized with an open look so that everyone feels part of the I Congress of the Humans Foundation. The logo is Humanization, knowledge by heart.

The opening champions were Julio Zarco, Blanca Fernandez Lasquite and Jose Antonio Martin. They are the main representatives of Congress – the chairperson, the chairman of the Scientific Committee and the chair of the organizing committee, respectively.

The heroes of the opening of the First Congress of Man are Julio Zarco, Blanca Fernandez Lasquite and Jose Antonio Martin

“We believed that this was the best time to hold this conference, because during the pandemic we were more aware than ever of the deficits that exist in health organizations. The shortcomings that negatively affect the degree of humanity that exists with the patient, which should really be at the center of the system and which They must be counted on at all times. But also with health professionals, who need to feel appreciated and cared for giving their best and that all of this has a positive impact on the quality of care”. This has been expressed Julio Zarco, President of the Human Foundation, his speech.

Blanca Fernandez Lasquite He is the head of the scientific committee. “One of the differential values ​​of Congress is the active participation of all social and health assistance agents for humanization. I would like to emphasize that the papers submitted not only come from health professionals, as expected, but other professionals also involved in humanity, such as architects, computer scientists, volunteers or facilitators, wishing to share their experiences and together offer more care“.

The papers submitted not only come from health professionals but other professionals also involved in humanity wanted to share their experiences

Hybrid format available on the web
The conference will take place Until Saturday 19th June In the form of Hybrid (face-to-face and online) At the Vincci Soma Hotel in Madrid. As part of Congress, the most stringent security controls to combat Covid-19 are being met. This event aims to create a meeting space between professionals, patients and, in general, all persons concerned and interested in the humanization of healthcare.

I Congreso humans

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