Immigration trends between the United States and Mexico have reversed in recent years: Pew Research Center

Immigration trends between the United States and Mexico have reversed in recent years: Pew Research Center

A new study has revealed that there has been a marked decrease in recent years in the number of immigrants moving from the United States to Mexico Pew Research Center report.

Mexico was the main origin country of immigrants from its northern neighbor. However, the 2000s and early 2000s saw more immigration from the United States to Mexico; A trend that was reversed in previous years to covid-19 pandemic.

according to Pew Research Center, an estimated 700,000 people in the United States moved to Mexico between 2013 and 2018, down from 1 million who moved in the previous five years (2009-2014).

Researchers see job losses due to the 2008 financial crisis, strengthening anti-immigration measures in the United States and a lower birth rate in Mexico, as factors that could have contributed to the fact that more immigrants left. to Mexico during the first decade of the twenty-first century and early 2000s.

The report also states that the Mexican economy has been more stable in recent decades, compared to the 1980s and 1990s, when Mexican immigration to the United States was at its highest.

Mexico is the largest country of origin of the 47 million immigrants estimated to live in the United States, according to preliminary estimates based on American Community Survey 2019. About 24% of all American immigrants were born in Mexico, details المكسيك Pew Research Center.

The analysis shows that after peaking at 12.8 million immigrants in 2007, the number of Mexicans living in the United States has declined in recent years. Preliminary estimates are that in 2019, the total number of Mexican immigrants in the United States was 11.4 million, or about 1.4 million less than the figure recorded at the start of the so-called Great Recession.

Mexican immigration during coronavirus pandemic ‘unclear’

Pew Research Center considers that there is no clarity on how the COVID-19 pandemic will affect migration flows between Mexico and the United States and vice versa; As the two main sources in both countries providing this type of information, Inegi in Mexico and the US Census Bureau have yet to release data for this period.

Despite this, researchers note that the number of legal residence permits, also known as “green cards” issued to Mexicans, has decreased significantly. There has been a much slower growth rate in the number of Mexicans obtaining short-term agricultural visas.

The report details that “in fiscal year 2020, about 30,500 Mexican immigrants entered the United States, which is 45% less than the previous year.”

It must be remembered that at the beginning of the pandemic, the governments of the United States and Mexico decided to close their borders to non-essential activities, and the possibility of reopening has been analyzed recently; However, these measures could be tightened due to the increase in infections recorded in recent weeks in Mexico and the presence of the delta variant of Covid-19.


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