In Canada, Justin Trudeau requested the suspension of international flights

In Canada, Justin Trudeau requested the suspension of international flights

Ontario s Quebec Today urged the Canadian government to suspend International flights The appetizers are already imposing sRestrictions Most severe in Frontera Enter Canada s United State Ago Variables Coronavirus continues to spread.

“We are concerned about the increasing number of cases attributed to the variant, which have arrived Canada Through international travel. We are writing to ask the federal government to take further steps to curb Spread of the virusThe Premier of the Territory indicated OntarioDoug Ford, the county chief QuebecFrançois Legault in a letter he addressed today to Prime Minister of CanadaAnd the Justin Trudeau.

Ontario Today reported 2,810 new cases of the variant B, Which brought the total number of cases of this variant to 44,205. In addition, five new cases of the variant were confirmed B 1.351This brings the total of these cases in the governorate to 113. The governorate also added Six more instances of the P1 variableThis brought the total number of cases to 218.

Quebec 71 new confirmed cases of variant were reported today, bringing the total to 3,515. Of the confirmed cases, there are 3304 cases of the B.1.17 variant, 169 cases of the B.1.351 variant, 16 of the P1 variants, 25 of the B.1.525 variant and one of the B.1.617 variant.

Of the variables of interest, Canada It reported 73,150 cases of variant B.1.1.7, for a total of 2,487 cases of variant P1 and 435 cases of variant B.1.351, CTV indicated this afternoon.

The prime ministers of the two provinces said that there is an urgent need to address the problems of the current system, including “documenting false evidence of the Coronavirus, and travelers who choose Fines Failure to comply with quarantine requirements or travel by airplanes and private vehicles to avoid quarantine. “

According to current rules, travelers move to Canada They must present a negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test that is performed no later than 72 hours prior to the departure flight. When landing CanadaIn order to receive the results of the second test, they must undergo another test and quarantine at a government-appointed hotel.

Pressure is mounting for a government Trudeau To impose a specific travel ban on India, as the country is dealing with high infection rates from Covid-19.

On Wednesday, and Canadian Minister of Public SecurityBill Blair said the Canadian government is looking into the tools at its disposal. “We are actively studying any additional measures necessary to protect Canadians.”

The Covid-19 cases in Canada This afternoon, it rose to 152 million 717 million, of which 23 thousand 811 deaths and 1 million 44 thousand and 255 cures.


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