Intermediate College of Medicine opens the entrance exam

Intermediate College of Medicine opens the entrance exam

July 15th will be the only date for taking the entrance examination to the Intermediate School of Medicine, in Pachuca.

The cost of the application is 750 pesos Those interested will have to fill in their registration information on the page

After that, applicants will receive a payment code, which they will have to present in the intermediate medical school fund.

The schedule to cover this amount is from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and only cash is received.

Due to the health emergency of Covid-19 and in order to prevent infection, screening will be performed by default through Zoom.

Applicants will receive the application link via email after they have made the payment.

During the exam application, their camera must be turned on the students.

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You may be interested in Yasmine Diaz, a surgeon with a sense of humanity

To speak of a woman who is passionate and dedicated to her work, giving her patients everything, is the description of a doctor and a surgeon Claudia Yasmine Diaz.
She graduated from Tecnológico de Monterrey and Juárez Hospital, where she completed her residency in general surgery. Additionally, he specialized in Bariatric Surgery at ABC Hospital in Mexico City. At the moment, the doctor at conferences, regional sessions and diplomas, always prepares with conviction to provide high-quality service to her patients. In an interview with First gradeThe surgeon tells us about her work in medicine.

What is bariatric surgery?
Focuses on treating obesity.

At what stage can a patient be diagnosed for surgery?
The determination of whether you are a candidate depends, among other things, on the body mass index (BMI) and obesity-related diseases that the patient has.

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