La Gornada-Biden accuses Republicans of restricting voting rights in Texas

La Gornada-Biden accuses Republicans of restricting voting rights in Texas

Washington. This Saturday, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, denounced the law Republicans were about to adopt in Texas, aiming to make elections more secure, but, according to the US president, it represents a new “attack” on the right to vote and democracy.

Both houses of Congress in Texas have reached an agreement on the measure, known as the Senate Bill 7, which includes a car vote ban and numerous restrictions on voting hours and mail voting.

The restrictions focus primarily on provisions that make voting easier and especially popular with minorities, including African Americans, a group that generally supports Democrats.

Biden said in a statement that the southern state joined Georgia and Florida, as well as with the majority of the Republic, in “attacking the sacred right to vote.”

“This is part of an attack on democracy that we have witnessed many times this year,” the Democratic president added, saying it was targeting “disproportionately” African Americans and other minorities.

“In the twenty-first century, we must make it easier, not difficult, for every voter to express their right to vote,” he said. Republicans argue that it’s more about making future elections safer.

Since the presidential election, bills restricting access to voting in states have multiplied at the initiative of the Republicans.

Georgia, the main state in which Joe Biden prevailed but voted Republicans for nearly three decades, was one of the first countries to adopt this provision in March.

This Saturday, Biden again asked the US Congress to pass two laws that are supposed to enhance the right to vote for all Americans. But the narrow majority of Democrats are complicating their adoption.

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