La Jornada – 80 thieves rob a department store in San Francisco, USA

La Jornada – 80 thieves rob a department store in San Francisco, USA

Walnut Creek, California. About 80 people, some covered with faces and armed with clips, looted a luxury store in San Francisco Bay; Authorities and witnesses stated that they assaulted employees and stole goods before fleeing in waiting cars.

Police said in a statement today, Sunday, that three people were arrested and the rest fled after a large-scale burglary Saturday evening at the Nordstrom store, located in the Broadway Plaza outdoor center in Walnut Creek. Customers were shocked by what happened.

Two employees were assaulted and one pepper-sprayed in what police described as a “clearly planned event”.

NBC Bay Area reporter Judy Hernandez tweeted that she saw thieves enter the store in the downtown business district, about 20 miles (32 kilometers) northeast of San Francisco.

“About 25 vehicles blocked the street and (passengers) sped to Walnut Creek Nordstrom, picked up the goods before boarding the vehicles and quickly drove away,” Hernandez said in a tweet.

A video of the incident captured with a cell phone shows masked people leaving the store with their bags and boxes, getting into their cars and running away.

Brett Barrett, manager of PF Chang’s restaurant located a short walk from the store, began closing the doors of his establishment as he watched the chaotic scene.

“We may have seen 50 to 80 people wearing ski masks, clips, and various weapons,” Barrett told ABC 7 News.

Walnut Creek Police Department said a firearm was recovered from one of the three arrested suspects.

Police said Nordstrom employees began calling 911 around 9 p.m., as thieves entered the store and began stealing merchandise.

“Wolnut Creek Police investigators are reviewing security camera footage in an effort to identify other suspects responsible for this outrageous act,” the store said in the statement.

Nordstrom opened normally on Sunday.

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