Maduro asks candidates to respect tomorrow’s election results

Maduro asks candidates to respect tomorrow’s election results

Nicolas Maduro He called on all politicians and candidates for tomorrow’s local and regional elections to respect the election results.

In a meeting with special guests, the president said, “I sincerely call on all political leaders and heads of parties (and) all candidates to respect the election results emanating from popular sovereignty and officially and legally issued by the National Electoral Council.” for the elections.

He also called on Venezuelans to recognize the results of what he considers “the best electoral system in the world”.

He stressed that he is running in the elections “with an oath of respect and loyalty” to the people, the constitution and the National Electoral Council.

He told his audience made up of, among others, Spanish politician Juan Carlos Mondeiro and former Colombian Senator Pidad Cordoba, who praised the governor’s interventions.

Venezuela without duality

during your speaking, Mature He denounced that in 2019 “duplication of power” was meant in Venezuela in reference to the then president’s declaration ParliamentAnd Juan Guaidóas interim president, a decision that won the support of several countries.

“The duality of presidential power was pursued with great force under (former US President Donald) Trump, but as the days go by (…) everything has come to where it should go, frankly. In Venezuela there is only one constitutional president.”

In his opinion, “parliamentary duplication” was sought after the 2020 legislative elections, which led to the election of new deputies National Assembly (AN).

Guaidó And a few former MPs rejected the said elections and held delegated committee meetings, a number used for very short and specific periods of time. AN, as an extension of the former Parliament.

The Chief of state However, he did not mention that during the term of the previous National Assembly, with a large opposition majority, it held a meeting National Constituent Assembly which consisted only of Chaveza, worked in parallel with Parliament and which, de facto, assumed a large part of the functions of legislative.

Faced with this, consider that AN He was elected in 2020 and which began work on January 5, 2021 “has his constitutional role” and thus, “entered to appoint public authorities”, such as CNE.

For this reason, it was considered that those who registered in the local and regional elections, as well as the voters, are the ones who recognize the new House of Representatives.

“Anyone who appears to vote as a candidate (or) elector tomorrow, Sunday, with their participation, endorses the National Electoral Council elected by the current AN and chaired by Dr. Jorge Rodriguez,” he concluded.

With information from EFE

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