La Jornada – México SA

Disguised as a “not-for-profit civic association” and “always committed to upholding the rule of law,” the Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad (MCCI), whose visual guideline is agent Claudio X. Executive authority for promoting the coup and receiving funding from a foreign government, at least since 2018, by chance in the year Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador swept the elections to the National Palace.

The Mexican president condemned this, saying, “It is reprehensible that an opposition group to our government (MCCI), which has dedicated itself to obstructing all actions that is being carried out by promoting legal protection – as in the case of the airport in Mexico City and the Mayan train – is providing a foreign government with this funding.” And it has been documented that this has happened since 2018. So, yesterday we submitted a diplomatic note asking the United States government to explain this case, because they are delivering the money through the embassy, ​​which is an agency of the US government. ”

Lopez Obrador explained that “the group is supposed to be against corruption, but I always say they are Mexicans in favor of corruption. Do you remember that I always mentioned that it is all a simulation? Because Claudio X. González (Guajardo) is the son of Claudio X’s father. González (Laporte), who He was a longtime business leader in Mexico, he was president of the Association of Women and Entrepreneurs, in the Business Coordination Council, and participated in the electoral fraud of 2006. At that time he spoke that if we win, they will have to resort to what happened in Chile, in 1973, On the coup (by Salvador Allende). That is why some commentators yesterday, both men and women, tore their clothes, saying why I said it was a coup group? Because of those precedents, among other things. “

In addition, he said: “It turns out that the association that attacks us, which has to do with newspapers or which presents itself as the advocate of journalists, which is called Article 19, is also receiving funding from the United States government. Article 19 is now the social media of Mexicanos Contra la But we will await a response from the United States government. “

For this reason, Lopez Obrador said, “The Mexican government yesterday sent a diplomatic note to its American counterpart, requesting information on funding for an agency for that nation from Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad, because it violates the constitution … intervention … intervention … that promotes the coup … The coup has nothing to do with the use of arms or the army. It is a movement that is formed and the army can complete it, but the conditions for carrying out the coup are created with the support of foreign governments and the media. What happened when the coup happened against President Madero intervened US Ambassador Wilson and the Mexican press created the conditions.

The diplomatic note sent by the Mexican government specifically refers to MCCI funding “through the United States Agency for International Development” (Usaid, for its English acronym), which is one of the many political and coup arms of the State Department and the CIA.

But in reality, according to its information, MCCI does not recognize USAID as a financial “contributor”, but overtly as an “international ally,” a condition it shares with other obscure agencies such as the National Edowment for Democracy and the Ford Foundation. Foundation, all come up with their necks in the long black history of interventions and coups across the planet sponsored by the United States.

Cake slices

Of course, President Lopez Obrador skillfully says to practice gringo is “a wrong practice: financing groups opposing governments that have been formed legally and legitimately.” It is true, but this is what he devoted his entire life to! … there is a big hug for my beloved Peas To get another candle on her cake. Health!

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