Learn about the third parties authorized by aviation medicine

Learn about the third parties authorized by aviation medicine

Last Friday, May 28, an official letter from the Ministry of Communications and Transportation was published, specifically in the field of authorization of authorized external parties. This text describes the implementation of a number of third parties authorized to apply comprehensive psychophysical tests (EPI).

This measure was taken to satisfy user demand and reduce delays in official documents. With reintegration of authorized third parties, it seeks to meet the needs of employees who require comprehensive psychophysical exams (EPI). It should be remembered that on June 30, the extension issued by the Standing Committee regarding the expiration of licenses for aviation personnel expires. To renew licenses, users will need to present an EPI certificate.

At Transponder 1200 we share a directory of dictation physicians accredited by the General Directorate of Protection and Preventive Medicine in transport to perform comprehensive psychosomatic examinations (EPI):

The mismanagement of aviation authorities regarding licenses and certifications for aviation personnel was one of the aspects for which Mexico was demoted to Class 2. This amendment is the result of the review carried out in October 2020 through February of this year. The results indicated that the Mexican authorities (AFAC and SCT) did not comply with the requirements.

Aspects assessed were based on ICAO Annexes 1, 6 and 8. The latter refers to personnel licenses, aircraft operating and aircraft validity respectively. Among them, the AFAC’s handling of employee licenses, as well as comprehensive psychosomatic examinations, was clear.

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