Medicine is also marked by severe gender inequality

Medicine is also marked by severe gender inequality

On February 5, 1905, the General Hospital of Mexico (HGM) was opened and on February 11, 2019, radiologist Guadalupe Mercedes Lucía Guerrero Avendaño was appointed as director of himself, that is, 114 years and six days – War of Independence and Another Revolution – for a woman to take over the presidency of the said institute. Just when he got the position, one of the surgeons was shocked in front of him: “I don’t know how much they are celebrating. The doctor should be at home taking care of her daughters.”

When giving a talk Women pioneering in medicineOrganized by the Institute of Cellular Physiology in an 8-M framework, Dr. Guerrero shared that exclusion like the former has been consistent throughout her life, and at this point in her career she has heard a lot of ridiculous things, like this claim made by a colleague when he found out she wanted Gynecology study: “I don’t understand, this is a men’s specialty.”

For the spokesperson, there is overwhelming gender inequality in her profession (and in many other professions), which carries such weight that if things are balanced, it will be necessary to give leadership positions exclusively to women for only 61 years to match the scenarios, this is evident when analyzing Cases like that of the United Nations University Medical School Since its founding in 1833 as a Foundation for Medical Sciences, it has had 48 men in trend And in her 188 years, there was no woman at the helm.

However, this disparity is not due to the few being dedicated to this race. In fact, of all physicians in Mexico, 57 percent are female, yet men hold two-thirds of the paid jobs in this field, while women earn, on average, 30 percent less.

Despite this, the doctor does not believe in gender quotas, but rather in giving everyone what he deserves based on his aptitude and abilities. “Ultimately we are the same, only chromosomes separate us and the most important is X, only what makes us women, although the latter must be discussed.”

Opening a gap for future generations

The management of Dr Guerrero Avindaneo at the General Hospital of Mexico has been recognized for its efficiency, especially in these times of the pandemic. “We’re just in CovidroThe specialist joked, referring to the number of spaces that had to be transferred to the institution to attend the emergency.

In regards to the role she played as HGM’s first director after 40 directors, the radiologist understands that it is a huge responsibility as she knows this is making her an example to follow for new generations; But she emphasized that such a personal achievement would not have been achieved without all of these pioneers who were before her, which opened a gap for her.

And everything starts with Matilda Petra Montoya to Release, The first Mexican to be awarded the title of midwife surgeon in 1887 (with the special permission of Porfirio Diaz, as it was not customary to award this degree to women) and who, together with Aurora Uribe, founded the Society of Mexican Doctors in 1925.

This precedent helped join more and more parties interested in racing and, little by little, gained recognition, although this did not happen immediately because it was until September 1957 (93 years after its founding) that the National Academy of Medicine recognized Rosario Barroso Mogil as the first female member. in it.

Other personalities who have distinguished female leadership in medicine in Mexico are Mercedes Juan LopezFirst Minister of Health (from 2012 to 2016); Maria del Sol Garcia Ortegon, First Mexican to Perform a Heart Transplant (2017) W. Eva Ramon GallegosThe scientist who has succeeded in eliminating 100 percent of the human papillomavirus (the second cause of death among Mexican women).

For this reason, Dr. Guerrero-Avindaneo is confident that the conditions between men and women in medicine will be more equitable and that new generations should not suffer like her.

“I should have tried a lot more than my peers and my recognition was much less, but that has to be adjusted. As long as we are the ones who are on this road and pointing to inequality, we will be able to pave the way for young women who come out from behind; there is still a lot to do Doing, but it is up to us to make it happen.

UNAM Global

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