Mexico is suing the United Nations to end the economic embargo on Cuba
Mexico accused the United States of remaining in constant contempt for the resolutions of the National Assembly of the United Nations, which demanded an immediate end to the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed on Cuba, and to assume its responsibilities and repair the damage done to the Cuban population, such as causing them to suffer from starvation.
This morning, the Mexican ambassador to the United Nations, Juan Ramon de la Fuente, stated that these kinds of measures can only be imposed by the Security Council, as the United States is violating international law, and this should generate responsibilities within its scope.
“Any unilateral action seen as a means of political pressure to promote from the outside changes in the internal decisions of another State is inconsistent with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and inconsistent with the obligation to cooperate in the interest of friendly relations between States.
“Mexico condemns in the strongest terms the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed for nearly six decades against Cuba, as well as the decision to implement Title III of the Cuban Freedom and Democratic Solidarity Act, which affected not only the sovereignty of the Cuban people but also the rights of third countries,” he noted.
De la Fuente stated before the United Nations General Assembly that the embargo imposed by the United States six years ago against Cuba is unacceptable “in light of international law and the constitutional principles of Mexico’s foreign policy”, in addition to that it violates international resolutions, such as the self-determination of peoples, that do not interfere in matters Which is the internal competence of states and the obligation of mutual cooperation.
Within this normative framework, the Declaration states that no State shall apply or encourage the use of economic, political or other measures to coerce another State, in order to subject it to the exercise of its sovereign rights and to obtain from it the advantages of any kind-hearted.
He added that “only the Security Council can take decisions regarding groups or entities that practice or promote terrorism, and it follows that the measures applied by the United States against Cuba violate international law and generate international responsibility.” .
He said, on behalf of Mexico, that these unilateral measures harmed the Cuban people during the COVID-19 pandemic or the passage of the hurricane, restricted the passage of food and “making the civilian population go hungry, is another behavior prohibited by the Cuban government under international humanitarian law.”
In addition, he criticized the fact that in January 2021 the United States included Cuba in the list of countries that sponsor terrorism, this nonsense affects the Cuban people and government, halts operations and financial transactions, and above all, comes from a contradiction with. the United Nations itself.
“We note that one of the justifications for reintegration in the above-mentioned list is that Cuba, in the spirit of strengthening the peace dialogue in Colombia, welcomes members of the National Liberation Army, in this regard it should be noted that only a few days ago the Security Council welcomed the announcement of the resumption of the dialogue between the Government The Colombian National Liberation Army.
Therefore, they reiterated that this position and contempt for the United States should entail international consequences and strong appeals from the United Nations itself.
“The United States must stop these actions, repair the damages and provide guarantees of non-recurrence, as stipulated by international law, and the General Assembly, for its part, Mr. President, must demand that the United States put an immediate end to the economic crisis and financial embargo they are imposing on Cuba.
After Mexico’s position before the General Assembly, the Cuban Ambassador, Marcos Rodriguez Costa, thanked Mexico’s “dignified and vital position against the embargo against the United States government and its affirmation of removing our country from the false and unilateral list of states sponsoring terrorism.”
Today, the United Nations General Assembly will vote on the economic and financial embargo against Cuba, and countries are expected to reject the US action.
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