Movies with major scientific defects

Movies with major scientific defects

It is said, and for good reason, that cinema does not have to be realistic, but rather it must be credible in what is told in the plot. It stands to reason that stories simply must be believable in their context. A fictional movie should not be realistic, as it does not coincide or share the world we live in, but rather it must be credible and credible with the story it tells. For example, if Aragorn, the character of The Lord of the Rings, was not a wizard, it would not make sense or plausibility that he used magic in The Two Towers, on the other hand, it is plausible that he killed 50 goblins in a row. There are films that base their plot on a scientific failure or fallacy that devalues ​​the end result.


Armadidone (Universal Pictures)

Without a doubt, it is one of the films with big science failures. NASA indicated that the tape has more than 160 scientific flaws. First of all, they were told during training about a non-existent space dementia, and no asteroid the size of Texas in our solar system. The best ever? They claim to have worked under close supervision and cooperation from NASA during the making of the film.


Lucy (TF1)
Lucy (TF1)

The film bases its entire argument on a fallacy that everyone considers true: “Humans use only 10% of our brains.” Luc Besson’s bar that Scarlett Johansson Unleash the full potential of the mind, and be able to do everything it can imagine. It has been proven through neuroscience that we use the brain as a whole, only different regions of it and at specific times. So Lucy shouldn’t have more power than an ordinary human being, a case that sends her straight to the movie set with major scientific flaws.


El núcleo (Paramount Pictures)
El núcleo (Paramount Pictures)

Journey to the Earth’s core to prevent it from stopping, thus cooling the planet and killing all humans. But the center of the Earth cannot be paralyzed, whatever the scientists say in this movie. Due to the Coriolis effect, the Earth’s core rotates because it also rotates with its own rotation. Scientists also confirm that aircraft will not be able to fly due to the suppression of the magnetism, but that the planes fly thanks to the engines …

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