Murcia Solidarity to train health workers and equip an emergency clinic in Uganda – Murcia Actoydad

Murcia Solidarity to train health workers and equip an emergency clinic in Uganda – Murcia Actoydad

Morcian Solidarity to train health workers and to prepare aTo the emergency clinic in Uganda

DrIDP team to the African country they are part the teachers from in UCAM Yassel Para And Manuel Pardo, deputy dean in addition to this institution

A mission of health professionals will depart this week to Uganda, where they will stay for two weeks to work on humanitarian projects, such as equipping a clinic and an ambulance, targeting a multidisciplinary team of Ugandan health workers to provide emergency care. In addition, they will provide medical materials, such as defibrillators, which will allow to improve the equipment of the clinic and the ambulance.

This team of professionals will also advise on health protocols and provide training at the Chloe Medical Centre, which provides assistance to the residents of Kikaia and the surrounding areas. Manuel Pardo, Professor at the Catholic University of Murcia and Vice Dean of the Bachelor’s Degree in Podiatry.

Likewise, they will provide training for Ugandan health workers through workshops, to improve their capabilities, particularly in managing and interpreting findings in ultrasound and ECG, as well as in interpreting and collecting data on monitoring and working in emergency and emergency situations (advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation, trauma management manifold, etc.).

In addition, this team of volunteers will bring to their homes and will transport to the aforementioned clinic or hospitals patients who cannot go to the health care center due to their health or age.

Together with two UCAM schools, the team consists of Asunción Quirante, Resident Family Physician; Rubén Gabarron and Gustavo Lopez, emergency health technicians from Orthem Health Transport, and Manuel Luc, a nurse from the Global NGO Project.

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