NASA responds: What does science look like in space? | Video

NASA responds: What does science look like in space?  |  Video

during March , NASA Praised the woman They have played a pivotal role in shaping the agency’s history. One of the recent activities this week was a special invitation to meet with two astronauts playing a key role in NASA.

This participation was directed, no more, no less, by Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, who was responsible for interviewing NASA astronauts, Shannon Walker and Kate Robins, Aboard the International Space Station to see what it’s like to do science in space.

During the interview Kamala Harris He was responsible for directing the interview with NASA specialists, to learn more about the work they were currently doing in space aboard the station to discover, among other things, what kind of “experiments” they were carrying out and what it looked like to do science in space.

Who is Shannon Walker?

Dr. Shannon Walker is currently working as a mission specialist on the Crew-1 SpaceX Crew Dragon, called Resilience, which was launched on November 15, 2020. Walker is also the flight engineer for Expedition 64. In 2021, she will work as a flight engineer for the 24/25 Expedition, a mission The long-lived aboard the International Space Station lasted 163 days.

Who is Kate Robins?

Dr. Kate Robins is currently working aboard the space station on a six-month mission as an aviation engineer for the Expedition 63/64 Crew. Robins completed his first space flight on Expedition 48/49 in 2016, when he became the first person to do a DNA sequence in space. He spent 115 days in space and did two spacewalks.

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