North Korea announced the launch of another missile, which will be an anti-aircraft projectile

North Korea announced the launch of another missile, which will be an anti-aircraft projectile
Kim Jong-un salutes military personnel on the 73rd anniversary of the country’s founding (Image: Reuters)

North Korea testedthe newanti-aircraft missileOn Friday (local time), state media reported, another military test conducted by the North Korean regime in recent weeks.

North Korean ArmyTested a newly developed anti-aircraft missile on September 30The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reportedKCN).

The significant combat effectiveness of the “missile” was demonstrated by the introduction of new key technologies‘, shown KCN.

Pyongyang’s regime with nuclear weapons, he conducted other military trials in the past week, including the trial of A gliding hypersonic missile, much faster and more difficult to intercept than normal interceptions.

Test this technology that could theoretically arrive Five times the speed of sound, immediately stirred international reaction.

United States, United Kingdom and France They called an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Friday to discuss these North Korean tests.

UN Security Council Resolutions Ban the Nuclear Program And ballistic missiles from North Korea that are subject to it Multiple international sanctions for this question.

However, the regime led by Kim Jong Un He shows no sign of wanting to give up his arsenalWhich he considers necessary to protect himself from the United States, an ally of South Korea which has 28,500 soldiers stationed in that neighboring country.

Thursday Foreign Minister Anthony Blink He said North Korea was increasing “instability and insecurity” in the region with these tests.

(With information from AFP)

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