Open invitation for the State Prize for Innovation, Science and Technology

Open invitation for the State Prize for Innovation, Science and Technology

The Government of Jalisco, through the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology (SICyT), has opened the call for the State Prize for Innovation, Science and Technology 2021, which in this edition It will have a bag of over 800,000 pesos.

Members of the scientific and technological community who carried out Projects whose results contribute to the solution of social challenges, as well as to the scientific and economic development of Jalisco.

It will be open to you to participate DresdFrom students to professionals With a great track, in one of the Seven categories Presentation of this award.

SICyT President, Alfonso Bomba Padilla, said in a statement that the economic stimulus for the winners will go to From 44 thousand pesos to 179,000 pesos, depending on the category.

“It is an award that aims to recognize scientific work, technological development, innovation and dissemination at different stages of the professional life of our scientific and technological innovation community. The aim is to encourage and stimulate scientific work,” Bomba Padilla noted.

The categories in which candidates can participate, individually and collectively, are as follows:

Merit in scientific and technological development: Any person who, during his professional career for a period of no less than twenty years, has made scientific, technological and innovative developments. In this category, the mass method does not apply.

Science: Scientists and researchers who created knowledge that develops and encourages scientific development in the country.

TechniquePersons who have achieved technological developments with potential for application in solving local or regional problems.

innovation: People who have implemented innovative scientific and technological projects that have resulted in patent applications or patents, generate value and wealth or demonstrate a positive impact in solving priority challenges for the state

thesis: Students and postgraduates whose completed thesis have made a significant and innovative contribution to solving challenges in strategic sectors and/or have outstanding scholarly quality.

early searchStudents from higher and higher education institutions that have developed scientific, technological and innovative development projects.

disclosure: People who have projects to disseminate science, technology and innovation that have made a significant impact on expanding the scientific culture in society.

Director of the State Council for Science and Technology Francisco Medina Gomez noted this The award celebrated the year 2021, which was the result of the creation of the State Law on Science, Technology and Innovation. He noted that Jalisco was the first state to institute legislation in this regard.

He pointed out that “the award recognizes the talent of Jalisco and all those who seek to generate and disseminate knowledge among their peers and disseminate it in society in general.”

The call will be open until August 8, 2021All details and requirements for participation can be found at:



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