Opening US border with Mexico, through Nogales and Agua Prieta, first visitors enter non-essential travel after 19 months

Opening US border with Mexico, through Nogales and Agua Prieta, first visitors enter non-essential travel after 19 months

Since the first minute of Monday, November 8, the US border with Mexico has reopened the pass to non-essential travelers, after 597 days of remaining restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

From the early hours of the afternoon, long lines began to form on the main street in downtown Nogales, Sonora, leading to Denis Deconcini Garita.


At the pedestrian crossing, some people lined up at 7 p.m. on Sunday to be the first to enter the United States to visit family members.

Paola Soto Flores, 69, of Nogal, was the first to cross, 7 months after she was restricted at the US-Mexico border due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It was exactly 0 hours and 4 minutes when the municipal authorities in Nogales formally welcomed the passengers of the first vehicle to cross overland on a non-essential trip to the United States.


Minutes before the Mayor of Nogales Arizona, Arturo Garino, delivered a few words to the media, accompanied by Mayor of Nogales, Sonora, Juan Francisco C., US Consul in Nogales, Laura El Bedbach, and Mexican Consul in Arizona. , Victor Jimenez, among other officials.

“Hello, this is a very important day for Nogales, Arizona, the border closures have affected Nogales, Arizona more than Nogales, Sonora, we have been waiting for this day for months and months, it was the most important border closure. I would like to thank CBP for reopening it to continue the economy “Everyone is happy in Nogales, Sonora and Nogales, Arizona,” said Arturo Garino.

For his part, Juan Francisco C. stated that it is not just about opening the borders and traffic, but about opening the opportunity to resume economic, tourism, medical and recreational affairs and to do everything to return to normal life.


Agua Britta Douglas

At the Raul H. Castro Gate, on the Agua Prieta, Sonora and Douglas, Arizona border, the border also reopened at 12:01 a.m. Monday, November 8.

After lines appeared in the afternoon as it took more than two hours to pass, US citizens and residents, at night, the traffic flow dropped dramatically.

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