Pedro Duque, Minister of Science and Innovation, inaugurates the International Virtual Exhibition of Technology for the Industrial Process

Pedro Duque, Minister of Science and Innovation, inaugurates the International Virtual Exhibition of Technology for the Industrial Process

Pedro Duque, Minister of Science and Innovation, will inaugurate the International Virtual Exhibition of Technology for the Industrial Process

On February 10 at 9 am Minister of Science and Innovation Pedro Duque, Inaugurates the International Virtual Technology Exhibition for the Industrial Process, accompanies it The event chair is Mr. Maniel Ross.

The number of exhibitors and visitors to the international virtual exhibition of technology for the industrial process in the main European virtual industrial fair. The event brings together 117 companies from 5 countries, 400 of the main brands in the sector will attend, more than 3,000 products will be exhibited, and one hundred technological innovations will be presented all over the world.. It is expected that the number of professional visitors will exceed 25000, 40% are foreigners, who will be able to have direct and easy contact with 564 of the best experts in industrial process technology in the world, with one click, their aim is to provide answers to all technical needs.

International virtual event Specializes in technology targeting major industrial processes, where visitors can attend for free Finding the best solutions in managing your operations with solids (dust and bulk materials), liquid materials, solid liquid separation, gases and steam, as well as with capture and filtration equipment at any industrial stage.

You can register for free Here

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