Police boycott in France a large party of 400 people

Police boycott in France a large party of 400 people
The French police closed many big parties and rave. Photo: AFP / Archive

More than 400 people participated on Saturday evening in Prof. Macro party near Dijon, In central eastern FranceOn Sunday, the authorities indicated that the police and gendarmerie put an end to them during the night by arresting the alleged organizer.

Where was the macro party in France?

I hold a macro party In an abandoned barn, in a small municipality about 10 km from Dijon.

The District Governor, Fabien Soudry, condemned the celebration of “This is a totally irresponsible event in the context of the health situation in the country.”

This is a macro party It happened the day after “rave” (a huge secret party), In the Brittany region Northwest France that gathered 500 peopleBefore the security forces intervene.


Saturday night, In Paris, there was an attempted rave in a neighborhood in the east of the city. Three people were arrested.

French President This week Emmanuel Macron announced a gradual and partial opening of these stores from mid-May.

Help in India

Only one plane carrying 28 tons of medical equipment arrived from France on Sunday in New DelhiWhere the authorities extended the detention for a week to fight the gangMy mother.

France sent eight large medical oxygen generators and 28 respiratorsIn addition to the 120 respirators Germany sent the previous day. Its advisor, Dominic Raab, said Britain had announced that it would send an additional 1,000 units.

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