Precautions you must take on the road

Precautions you must take on the road

Travel in highway It always has a huge responsibility for your own safety and the safety of everyone around you. No matter if your tour is going to be short or long, it’s there Precautions You shouldn’t put him aside. in a Highways We will tell you which ones so that you can enjoy your trip to the fullest without experiencing an accident.

Do a general inspection of your car

Check tires: First, you must ensure that they are properly leveled, and that they do not have any kind of deformation, puncture, or irregular wear.

In addition, do not forget to bring the spare tire with the appropriate pressure for your need to use it.

Check lights: Make sure all the lights in your car are on, it doesn’t matter if you plan to travel alone during the day.

– Seat belts: Ensure that seat belts fit well, and that the fasteners open and close easily

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If you are the driver …

Sleep well and rest the days before the flight.

Do not drink alcoholic beverages or toxic substances.

Stay hydrated and eat light food.

Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

Plan your route in advance.

Drive carefully and always within permitted limits.

Take your updated insurance policy with you, and your vehicle documents in order, including your loan card and driver’s license.

Photo: Unsplash

If you are traveling with children

Identify safe stops along the way, whether to go to the bathroom, buy food and water, or breathe

Children should always travel in the back seats, with a safety seat in hand if their age requires it

Drive more carefully, especially when cornering, and avoid sudden movements because it is more sensitive in this regard

Try to bring something with you that they can entertain themselves

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If your pet accompanies you

Keep a bowl and fresh water on hand so that your pet can drink the water

If it’s hot, open at least one window so that you don’t suffocate

Never leave him alone in the car at any time or overlook him

– Pair it with a leash, necklace, and name plate

– If your pet is upset or traveling causes anxiety, the best option is to take him on a carrier, so both of them will be safer and quieter.

If possible, purchase a pet seat belt. The advantage is that they are universal and adapt to buckles, so there is no need to purchase an adapter or make additional adjustments

Ensure that your destination is suitable and safe for your pet

Photo: Unsplash

It should not be missing in the trunk of the car

Spare tire

– An essential tool

A first aid kit

Bottled water

– Signs

Blankets or blankets

Also read: Minors travel more than 500 kilometers using Tesla autopilot

Cleaning before the flight

Before starting your journey, perform a deep cleaning of the car, paying more attention to those parts that you have the most contact with, such as the steering wheel, handles and seats, this will make your journey more comfortable and safe with regards to the Coronavirus.

Dust off carpets and upholstery.

Take an antiseptic and antibacterial gel with you.

If you need to interact or speak with someone outside during the flight, always wear a mask and face shield.

Keep the car ventilated, unless you are in a place with heavy traffic.

Do not take more people in your car than indicated in your vehicle manual.

By following these recommendations, you can enjoy your vacation Holy Week. Take care of your life and the lives of others.

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