Princess Anne follows the example of Kate Middleton and greets Elizabeth II on her visit to Uganda

Princess Anne follows the example of Kate Middleton and greets Elizabeth II on her visit to Uganda

Doesn’t it look like something to you? Well, it should, because there are no less than two elements that remind us of other members of the British royal family. Let’s start with the dress, which is very similar to wearing because of its shape and color Kate Middleton in 2010.

William and Kate Middleton on November 16, 2010.

Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Not even a random dress, as is It’s a blue silk dress by Issa London who announced her engagement to Prince William. Not only did her dress pair perfectly with her engagement ring (which belonged to her previously Princess Diana), but it became a standout piece. It’s hard to tell if Princess Anne had this in mind, but it wouldn’t be far from unreasonable.

But it does not end there, as there is another element in Princess Anne’s clothes that refers to her mother, who has recently passed away Isabel II. In her blue dress you can see the presence of the Empress’ sapphire brooch Maria Feodorovnagem Worn by Isabel on many occasions.

Queen Elizabeth II wears the sapphire brooch of Empress Maria Feodorovna in 1995.

POOL/Getty Images

The brooch, which is more than a century and a half old, combines a beautiful sapphire and diamond with a drop-shaped pearl and has been inherited by the Queen Mary Tech. Small details turn Anna’s choice into a sentimental (but subtle) way to take her mother with her.

So it can be concluded that even Princess Anne, a true fashion icon, is not immune to the influence of two influential personalities such as Kate and Elizabeth II.

Original article published by Vanity Fair Italia, translated and modified by Dario Gael Blanco. Access to the original over here.

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