Register New Coast to Coast Motorcycle in the US

Register New Coast to Coast Motorcycle in the US

How to beat a motorcycle record and not die trying

Alex Jones, “R&T” tells us, that great idea Embark on this adventure by discovering that Auto records subordinate coast to coast From the United States was simply Unreachable: “Usually high-end German cars are used and I can’t stand it. But then two years later I read about motorcycle racing. I can do it on my budget. So I found the right motorcycle, with 80,000 miles. I actually traveled, and bought it for 4000 dollars. The motorcycle in question, a Yamaha FJR 1300 As of 2014, it is a very popular model in the United States with over 100,000 units sold there since its launch. With 144 CVs From the strength, it looks like our rider will have no problem achieving the US Coast-to-Coast MotoGP record. Nothing is further from reality.

The previous record On the motorcycle of this “feat” was by Calvin Cote, who was on his car BMW K1600 Across the United States from coast to coast in 35 hours and 6 minutes. But Alex Jones had prepared In good conscience: It only stopped seven times And just to refuel, drink from a Camelbak backpack, eat protein bars, take caffeine pills, and use Catheters and condoms to vacate your Pee…fantastic, isn’t it? All this at once average speed 87 mph, about 140 km/h. Although Alex remembers arriving at maximum speed 120 mph, what will happen 193 km/h. And this is the time to say it “Don’t try that with your bikes, folks.”.

This is not the case with Alex Jones, who claims that “R&T” I wouldn’t rule out doing it again. This depends on what comes up. This was my favorite project. Now I will sell my motorcycle and devote myself to other hobbies.”. Anyway, there is a file Marker (which – which It’s not official, By the way 32 hours 52 minutes For the next person who wants to smash the coast of the United States to a motorcycle world record. Don’t forget the condom.

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