Science and Art Consortium will be the centerpiece of ‘Astronomy in Your Home’

Science and Art Consortium will be the centerpiece of ‘Astronomy in Your Home’

the doctor Ronald Minkent Not only is he recognized for being The first astronomer graduated in Chile, but also because Books, poems, photographs and a piece of music feed the ever-expanding body of work The current Director of Research and Artistic Creativity at University of Concepcion (UdeC), Where he joined as an academic in 1994, and spent more than a decade عقد merging their artistic and scientific interests, realized in various creations. His knowledge of astronomy is the medium and argument by which he explores the diversity of art, the way and the vehicle for the expression of knowledge.

A blend that has been recognized for its ability to express and present knowledge to various audiences in his career, an experience he will take up in “Harmony of the Fields: When Science Meets Art. The discussion that will take place today, July 30, with three astronomers who reconcile their scientific and artistic lives on a new date for the session Online Astronomy in your home, organized by Millennium Titans Core, Led by the UdeC through the Department of Astronomy where Mennickent is academic and also integrated by the Universities of Valparaíso, Chile and Católica de Chile.

Emotional potential

they Creative experiences and insights about the synergy between art and science, Especially astronomy, it will be shared in the board that will also participate Efrain Gattos, Researcher at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, musician and writer. It will be Lorena Hernandez, an astrophysicist, singer-songwriter for reggae rhythm with stage name Systa Laure along Elena PerezShe is a doctoral researcher who cultivates a dramatic side that has turned it into a famous science play adapted from the book “The Little Prince’s Universe” by Italian astronomer Franccesco Palla; Both are from the University of Valparaiso’s Institute of Physics and Astronomy. Each astronomer and astronomer follows a particular line of research and art, but they are united by the conviction that There are many ways in which science and art complement each other. Although they are different areas of knowledge, from presenting topics to creating engaging works to being a variety of expressions to communicate knowledge in a simpler or more enticing way, seeing the discussion as a space to reveal the possibilities of unifying science with art.

As an introduction to the activity, Dr. Minkent emphasizes that the key to potential is thatات Art expresses knowledge through emotions and sensations, Show it by the artist in its creativity and experience it by the audience when watching it. “I believe that through emotions art can unleash the power to admire nature and in this case astronomy, With the depth of space and the things that fill it, as well as the great questions of man about the origin of the universe and its ultimate destination for all of us. This can arouse interest and the search for scientific knowledge on certain topics”, Supports, outside or within the scientific field. This is why it is considered art Motivation and method. Encouraging to attract and stimulate people’s curiosity to approach science and learn more; A means to disseminate and impart knowledge, democratize its access and even ask new questions.

astronomical artist

Ronald Minkent wrote poems as a teenager, but put off his artistic streak after entering university until, after his academic career, he found an opportunity to rediscover and rediscover them. “She reappeared in the form of two books about girls walking the solar system and the galaxy talking to planets and wormholes,” invoice. They are “Rosio and the Planets That Speak” and “Camila and the Shadow Explore the Galaxy”, their books are inspired by two of his daughters, and are about providing scientific information that is understandable to infants from the age of 8 and available free of charge at

In addition to other types of writing related to astronomy, he is devoted to astrophotography and was one of the authors of the work “RV Tau” which star brilliance music RV from the constellation Taurus. for work “We are using scientific data from a star’s brightness record to convert it into a result presented by the Purén Youth Symphony Orchestra at UdeC Pinacoteca”, precise. The equations allowed the numbers to be translated into music and published the method for arriving at this remarkable result in paper Composing music based on quantitative data of a star variable.

*In the Titans YouTube channel The discussion will be live streamed from 7:00 pm, and videos of all the conversations broadcasted by Astronomy in Your Home, which was created in March 2020 and which in that year added more than 21 thousand viewers, will be available.

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