Science and habitat work together for regional development

Science and habitat work together for regional development

With the aim of creating a framework for mutual assistance and cooperation between the Ministries of Science, Technology, Innovation, Regional Development and Habitat, Ministers Roberto Salvareza and Jorge Ferrarese signed this afternoon a framework agreement with a commitment to formulate measures to promote Argentina’s regional development, and in particular, to coordinate policies, programs and actions in the field of urban planning and planning the use of Lands and access to habitats.

“How many challenges do we pose to the scientific community, a society that we know has the highest capacity, and training comparable to the best countries in the world, and that we want you to accompany us at this time?”Said Minister of Science, Roberto Salvareza. Along these lines, he addresses the research teams present, and continued: “This challenge posed by Minister Ferrarese is very concrete and has a tremendous social impact. Today we are calling on them to search for solutions, and to develop their knowledge to improve public policies so that all their potentials in improving the quality of life for all Argentines ends up.”.

For his part, Ferrari stressed the importance of developing state planning based on environment, urban density, connectivity, transportation, and opportunities: “It is also true that the development of habitat must accompany a production process. We must create the conditions so that every Argentine and Argentine can develop in the place where they were born.”, Handle.

“We have to develop zoning policies on the basis of private investment, in light of the general added value and the development of opportunities across Argentina. It is important that you have the tools in each province so that we can achieve this development that relates to Argentina’s history, knowledge, roots and environment that must grow in a way. Sustainable and equitable across country viewFinally confirmed.

In this sense, the agreement stipulates that the two ministries shall define, within their respective competencies, areas of mutual cooperation for the performance of activities, and the exchange of information and knowledge, which contribute to the achievement of each other’s objectives.

The agreement was signed within the framework of the exchange and cooperation meeting between the nation’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing held at the Cultural Center for Science (C3). Its aim was to advance a common agenda and explore links with those centers that could contribute to the design and implementation of effective land management and regional planning tools in the country’s provinces and municipalities.

During the conference, Luciano Scattolini, Minister of Regional Development (MDTyH), presented the Regional Planning and Arrangement Program and said: “I want to appreciate this space, and put on the political stage the hierarchy of science and habitat and that this dialogue has a lot of potential. This habitat agenda is fundamental, it is the agenda of social integration.”; While Pablo Nunez, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Institutional Coordination (MCTeI), presented the results of the Federal Survey of Capacity and Technologies Related to Regional Development and Habitat and stated: “We are trying aggressively to integrate scientific and technological capabilities into the challenges that the Ministry of Regional Development and Habitat can demand and that all ministries can request.”.

This survey is an initiative of CONICET Technology Links and Links Network and its objective is to calculate the capabilities and technologies of research centers and institutes in the field of habitat and housing. It is an interdisciplinary and federal survey, gathering the contribution of researchers from the various disciplines that make up CONICET across the country.

Its main objective is to bring capabilities and technologies that serve as inputs in the formulation and implementation of public policies, contribute to the promotion and access to the right to housing, to fair and accessible cities, the sustainable and democratic use of natural resources, to regional justice, and to the use of land as a natural, economic and social resource, among others. Other things, in order to improve the residents’ quality of life.

Officials and members of the Regional Development Secretariat technical team, researchers from the CONICET centers and the CONICET technical team of the Technology Connectivity Department participated in the event.

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