Science discovers a simple trick to avoid insomnia

Science discovers a simple trick to avoid insomnia

We have all experienced it at some point مرحلة Insomnia, which is a disorder of Dream Very common cause difficulty sleeping.

only for general InsomniaThere are also many purported remedies and thousands of tips out there to avoid it, from counting sheep to eating grain.

As with everything, science has a lot to talk about about insomnia, and today we present a very effective simple trick to sleep.

(Photo: Pixabay)


Most adults suffer Insomnia To some extent, either because of the difficulty in to sleep or stay asleep. In addition to lowering the energy of those who suffer from it, it lowers their mood and can also affect their health, job performance, and quality of life.

The Insomnia It’s linked to poor sleep habits, depression, anxiety, lack of exercise, chronic diseases, or taking certain medications.
The worst thing is that when we have Lack of sleepWhile we’re trying to fall asleep, all that’s going through our heads is that we should sleep, along with problems with poor rest the next day.

Experts know that this constant thought of wanting to fall asleep without success hinders our ability to fall asleep, but how can we prevent this from happening?

The answer, according to one cognitive scientist, lies in a simple trick called “Cognitive shuffle“(Cognitive shuffle).

The secret is to be like children

Luke Beaudoin, professor of cognitive sciences at Simon Fraser University (located in Canada), developed a method “Cognitive shuffleThis allows adults to imitate the way children sleep.

this is how it describes Bedouin Insomnia problem:

“Adults live in a ‘left-brain’ world dominated by language and thought. On the other hand, young children spend a lot of time imagining and playing. Of course, adults see a lot of images: videos, television, movies, pictures, logos. But they tend to do it passively. And usually with a lot of talking (whether vocal or not).”

Bedouin He believes that the best way to sleep is to move away from analytical and verbal reasoning, and try to return to the world of images that allow children to see deep dreams.

“Sleep researchers have discovered that when people sleep, they often experience visual images and ‘little dreams.’ The different images that people visualize can help them sleep. Conversely, continuing to think verbally, analytically, and problem-solving can delay sleep. start sleeping.”

In short, we need to think less and imagine more. Of course, don’t imagine sheep jumping over a fence; This boring picture will make your mind wander again.

The right thing to do according to the method Bedouin, is to allow your mind to pass through a variety of random images; In fact, the ideal is to create some “little dreams”. But how do we achieve that?

mix up random perceptual

Dr. Beaudoin developed the MySleepButton app, and in app blog It explains the simple steps that we must follow in order to be able to use “Cognitive shuffle“.

The idea, as we discussed the lines above, is to strive at all times to think less and imagine more, for example.

to achieve the above Bedouin Recommend the following steps:

  1. Get to bed and get ready for bed.
  2. Think of a random, emotionally neutral word with at least five letters. Beaudoin suggests “bedtime” as an example. Examples of other words might be “laptop,” “vampire,” “book,” or “casserole.” (Try to choose a word that doesn’t have a lot of repeating letters, like “banana”).
  3. Slowly spell the keyword in your mind, then, starting with the first letter, think of another word that also begins with that letter.
  4. Imagine the element the word represents: If your keyword was ‘casserole’, you would start with words beginning with the letter ‘c’, such as ‘cone’, ‘beaver’, or ‘cocoon’. Imagine, one by one, each item, staying in it long enough to form a clear picture in your mind before releasing it and moving on to the next C word.
  5. Repeat this as many times as you can for each letter.
  6. Once you run out of “c” words (or get bored of them), move on to the next letter.
  7. If you are having a hard time finding words with one letter, skip it and move to the next letter.
  8. Likewise, if you pick a word that you can’t easily imagine, get rid of it and move on to another word.
  9. According to Beaudoin, it is very helpful to think about the context of the word. For example, if you imagine “bread,” you might think of a fluffy white loaf and then crispy French bread, followed by a bread dough.
  10. If you reach the end of a keyword without falling asleep, start over with a new keyword.

You see, the idea is not to think analytically, but only to imagine things (that would be little dreams), which is why it’s better to think about words that hardly repeat letters, because taking up a letter we already use can return Activate our thinking.

So, you know, if you suffer from insomnia today, try this scientific curiosity.

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