Secretary of State Erica Moines reports on a diplomatic tour in the United States

Secretary of State Erica Moines reports on a diplomatic tour in the United States

Moines’ agenda included meetings with politicians who had formulated public policies regarding Latin America for more than 25 years.

According to Moines, the talks that took place in this round put Panama on the radar of the United States in a more direct and personal way.Charged

Republican Chancellor Erica Moines gave Cabinet an account Thursday about her trip to the United States, which began in New York City, where she was among the delegation — led by President Laurentino Cortizo — that she represented. country at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly; This culminated in Washington, after important meetings in the State Department, Congress, and the Senate.

Secretary Moines met with leaders of important political groups—who have a voice and a voice—in the Senate and Congress, as well as in the Republican and Democratic parties, thereby bringing the Panamanian voice to America’s most influential politicians. capital.

“The conversations we had in Washington put Panama on the US radar in a much more direct and personal way, confirming a real connection between our fate and theirs. Some senators were frankly surprised by the details shared on pressing issues such as irregular immigration.

Counselor Moines emphasized that US foreign policy is determined on the basis of a unanimous effort between the administration and Congress, so it is necessary to create alliances in many sectors in order to achieve support for projects that directly benefit Panamanians.

During the working tour, it was a priority to enhance the attraction of investments and collaborative projects, as part of Panama’s post-pandemic recovery, which is why a meeting was held with Mauricio Clavier Caroni, President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). ), was the key.

The Panamanian chief of diplomacy’s agenda included meetings with politicians who have been formulating public policies directly related to Latin America for more than 25 years.

He also held a working session with Ted Cruz, a Republican senator from Texas and a former presidential candidate, a political counterweight to President Joe Biden, and a critical figure on many issues, including the appointment of ambassadors to the United States.

In the same way, he was able to speak with the former governor and executive partner of Hillary Clinton, Mr. Tim Kaine, the famous senator from the Democratic Party, who contacted him as part of the effort to maintain close and lasting relations with leaders of the North American political class, with Independence .who exercises power in the White House.

On the other hand, Secretary of State Moines, along with Republican Senator Marco Rubio, a former Latin presidential candidate, shared President Cortizo’s administration’s concerns about development and democracy issues in the Western Hemisphere.

At the end of her report to the Ministers of State, the Secretary of State emphasized that the working tour was an appropriate scenario to express the desire to maintain direct channels of communication that ensure up to date information that would advise in the best possible way. For Travelers (Travel Consulting), reducing the recommendation from Level 4 to Level 3, which has already had a positive impact on the country’s tourism and business offer.

To close this important mission, Panama has received a delegation led by Dalip Singh, US Deputy National Security Adviser for International Economics, David Marchick, Director of Operations at the US Development Finance Corporation, as well as Ricardo Zuniga, from the West Office. Hemisphere of the US State Department, who met with President Laurentino Cortizo at the Presidency of the Republic.

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