Seven El Paso people who were already vaccinated die يموت

Seven El Paso people who were already vaccinated die يموت

a step- The health authority announced that as of Wednesday, 332 cases of Covid-19 had been recorded of fully vaccinated people. Likewise, seven deaths were recorded in persons who complied with the vaccination schedule for both doses or unit doses.

“We have seen that the larger it is, the higher the likelihood after a full vaccination,” said Dr. Hector Ocaranza, city and county health authority.

“They do not create an immune response as high as young people. But we must not lose faith in the vaccine, we must urge the elderly or those with pre-existing medical conditions to vaccinate, take care of themselves and follow the procedures.”

After positive cases recovered in this city, the El Paso Department of Public Health (DPH) has urged the community to follow health recommendations and go to vaccination centers if the vaccination has not yet been obtained.

According to Dr. Ocaranza, there are two factors that have contributed to the increase in cases in the region.

We are still seeing an increase in the number of cases and this is due to two factors. The first is that there are very few cases of people who have not been vaccinated. The second factor corresponds to a large proportion of people who have traveled,” the health authority said.

We know that many people have traveled, and the best we can do is get vaccinated before leaving. He added that what we said in crowded places use masks and all security measures.

He emphasized that the new delta variant is prevalent in the country and that it is necessary to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

“The delta variant is the most prevalent in the country. Although we didn’t detect the variant here with our tests, that doesn’t mean we can’t get cases,” he explained.

He stressed that “the most important thing is to vaccinate all those who do not have the vaccination and to continue to convince those who did not do so to continue protecting the community.”

Does Delta Vaccine Work?

Dr. Lo Ocaranza explained that studies so far indicate that the vaccine is effective for the new strain that has begun to spread in the country.

“The efficacy of vaccination is still being examined, but the possibility is that if the structure of the virus continues to change, there will come a time when the vaccine cannot be as effective,” Ocaranza said.

However, so far we know that the vaccine is very effective including delta dump. So the only thing we can do is continue to vaccinate everyone we can motivate those who have doubts or fears. Continue to inform and protect them.”

He concluded, “The higher the proportion of the population receiving the vaccine, the greater the protection against these variants and we will be able to avoid potential outbreaks.”

El Paso Fire Department (EPFD) chief Mario de Agostino announced that as of Wednesday, 79.2 percent of residents over 12 have received at least one dose of the vaccine, while 68.21 percent have already completed the vaccination. Table.

Similarly, the population over 65 years of age with at least one dose is part of the 94.77 percent of people vaccinated while 86.73 percent are already fully vaccinated.

Authorities are urging the community to continue persuading those who have not received a Covid-19 vaccine and to continue security measures to prevent continued rebound.

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