Stranded boats in the US affect British Columbia’s economy

Stranded boats in the US affect British Columbia’s economy

Photo: Joanna Mejia

TIJUANA, Baja California. – By having the most visited border in the world, Baja California is also the door to shipping products thanks to Ensenada, however, the pandemic has slowed this process which has affected the world equally.

Jorge Macías Jiménez, President of the National Chamber of Commerce and Services, said Tijuana Tourism.

“Mainly at Long Beach one week ago, up to 90 ships at sea waiting to enter; He commented on the delay in the production of many products due to shortages of materials or the closure of borders.

He also stressed that Tijuana is the city with the highest inflation in the country, but it is lower compared to the United States.

“Dog food before the pandemic was $12 or $13, now it’s already $15 or $16, and that really means a 20 percent increase. Simple little things, but a big increase, here we may not have felt it, but the economy was recovering. Hopefully. That this trend continues. Now it is in the hands of the government and they have the ball in their court until the country’s economy rises.”

He emphasized that although economic growth has been slower due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 100 companies have asked to settle at the border, which will give Baja California significant growth.

“Facilitation for new firms and for those already in place to be able to create more jobs, with better wages and less spare time, you won’t see this problem that people are watching what they innovate, there is a lot of work, there is a shortage of labor and there is a lot of opportunity for growth.”

With information from Joanna Mejia

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