“The AIDS patient will be part of the hospital for the first time”

“The AIDS patient will be part of the hospital for the first time”

Juan Manuel Martin, Almudena Santano, Begonia de Andre, Alberto Diaz (via videoconference)

Improving the quality of life of HIV-positive patients and making them a part of their medical history These are two of the goals of the new system PROs Which will be launched in a pioneering manner in Spain Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Madrid.

This project was developed by HOPES and sponsored by Gilead It will allow patients to integrate health data into their own histories, thus increasing their closeness to the hospital, creating a “more effective” relationship with professionals and “making them jointly responsible for their treatment and illness,” explains Juan Manuel Martin, Head of Computer Science at this hospital.

“For the first time within the entire project”“Technology, health and patients must be closely linked,” continues Almudena Santano, director of nursing. In addition to getting bigger “Independence on your health”, a person living with HIV will know that “the knowledge they bring goes a long way.”

In about a month, once the technology is installed, the group of patients selected by healthcare professionals will be able to access the platform from their homes, carry out a series of surveys, and ‘contact all professionals’. This information, crossed with laboratory and pharmacy data, will be ستكون Analyzed by a multidisciplinary unit, Which will include professionals from fields such as Medicine, Nursing or Psychology It will allow to obtain results that will “improve the care and quality of life of these patients”.

“In the end, it is not only about managing the process itself in terms of indicators, but also Health outcomes include”, indicates in this line the deputy director of the field, Begoña de André. Like Santano, the professional highlights the importance to be given to Nursing In this project, other than as an evaluation tool, but as part of the team and Make decision. The transition from a vertical to a more casual model in the decision-making process is, according to De Andre, one of the challenges that should govern the future of professional teams.

Comprehensive care and early diagnosis

The synergy between the different areas of health will in turn facilitate aسهل Comprehensive patient care, other than HIV indicators, by ‘enabling it in self-care’ and creating ‘context in all its areas’, and by integrating the ‘caregiver when needed as in chronic cases’. “Attention is individual and allowed Identifying and examining needs that the patient enjoys what he considers to be a quality of life.”

The doctor hopes this platform will also help diagnose those ‘early’ Behavioral or psychological problems, which is often difficult to detect, better appointment management is achieved and, above all, a Improving doctor-patient communication.

At the health care level, Diaz is confident that the information provided Avoid visits to the emergency room, Primary care and income, by revealing the problems that can be solved with a “Early Intervention” and Primary Side Effects Interactions of Medications. All this, in turn, he adds, will help reduce the overburden on SNS.

Save time for professionals

On a professional level, this system will allow save time for toilets, By knowing each patient’s problems in detail and assigning them “exclusive consultations,” Alberto Diaz, an internal medicine assistant in the hospital’s HIV unit, explained.

Moreover, once you reach the consultation, the doctor will be able to Find out about your evolution since your last visit Through “on-screen” information with alerts and cross-information “available, integrated, and secure”. “If before they were able to control 20 patients, now with the platform they will be able to control more in less time,” Martin highlights interviews with patients who had this PRO data at the same level.

With this updated data, a professional will also be able to Consultation screen face to face or phone Depending on the patient’s severity and ability, thus perpetuating the ‘competence’ model that has promoted the epidemic and that will help to continue ‘progress’ in quality of care.

Although it may contain statements, statements or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader be consulted on any health-related question with a healthcare professional.

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