The amazing property of mushrooms, proven by science

The amazing property of mushrooms, proven by science

The amazing property of mushrooms, proven by science

The amazing property of mushrooms, proven by science

A scientific investigation has confirmed what indigenous knowledge and Asian monks have promoted since ancient times: that consuming mushrooms can … 05.11.2021, Sputnik Mundo

2021-11-05 T17: 53 + 0000

2021-11-05 T17: 53 + 0000

2021-11-05 T17: 53 + 0000



đź’— health



Psychological health


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Throughout history, mushrooms have been used as food, medicine, and in rituals to protect crops and much more. Now, science has confirmed that antidepressants, anxiety and other mental disorders have protective properties, and the study, published in the Journal of Affective Disorders in November 2021, was conducted on more than 24,000 Americans with an average age of 45, between 2005 and 2016. The majority (66%) They were white, not Hispanic. Researchers looked at their diet and mental health over time, and found that people who ate mushrooms were less likely to develop depression. According to the researchers, mushrooms contain ergothioneine, an antioxidant that protects against damage to cells and tissues in the body, and helps prevent mental illness. various types, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression. “Mushrooms are the largest dietary source of the amino acid ergothioneine, which is an anti-inflammatory that humans cannot synthesize,” said the study’s lead author, Gabriel Baa, a graduate of the Ph.D. program at Penn State University School of Medicine in Epidemiology, Pennsylvania. “Having high levels of this may reduce the risk of oxidative stress, which can also reduce symptoms of depression.” What mushrooms prevent depression? Mushrooms – perhaps the most popular used in the world – contain potassium which is believed to reduce anxiety. In addition, some other types of edible mushrooms—particularly Hericium erinaceus, also known as Lion’s Mane—prevent neuropsychiatric disorders, including depression. “The study adds to the growing list of potential health benefits of mushroom consumption.” Joshua Muscat, professor of public health sciences researcher and researcher at Penn State Cancer Institute told Futurity. Prior to this research, there had been few studies examining the relationship between mushroom consumption and depression. Most clinical trials were with fewer than 100 participants. Researchers say this study highlights the potential medical and health importance of mushroom consumption as a way to reduce depression and prevent other diseases.–1117642357.html


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USA, đź’— health, research, depression, mental health, mushrooms

Scientific research has confirmed what indigenous knowledge and Asian monks have promoted since ancient times: that consuming mushrooms can reduce the risk of mental health conditions. The study was conducted for more than a decade in the United States and only appeared recently.

Throughout history, mushrooms It was used as food and medicine, in rituals, to protect crops, and much more. Now, science has confirmed its antidepressant, anti-anxiety and prevention properties for other mental disorders.
studying, published In the Journal of Affective Disorders in November 2021, it was performed on more than 24,000 Americans with an average age of 45, between 2005 and 2016. The majority (66%) were white, not Hispanic. The researchers looked at their diet and mental health over time, and found that people who ate mushrooms were less likely to develop depression.
According to researchers, mushrooms contain ergothioneine, an antioxidant that protects against damage to cells and tissues in the body, and helps prevent various mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression.

All Mushrooms Are Magic: 12 Reasons They’re Important
“Mushrooms are the main dietary source of the amino acid ergothioneine, an anti-inflammatory that humans cannot synthesize,” She said To the Future Research News Portal, the study’s principal investigator, Gabriel Baa, a graduate of the Ph.D. program in epidemiology at Penn State College of Medicine, is a senior author of the study.
“Having high levels of this can reduce the risk of oxidative stress, which may also reduce symptoms of depression,” he added.

What mushrooms prevent depression?

The mushroom mushroom Possibly the most widely consumed in the world, it contains potassium, which is believed to reduce anxiety. In addition, some other types of edible mushrooms – especially Hericium erinaceus, also known as lion’s mane– Prevents neurological and psychological disorders, including depression.

“The study adds to the growing list of potential health benefits of consuming mushrooms,” Joshua Muscat, a professor of public health sciences and a researcher at the Penn State Cancer Institute, told Future.
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Prior to this research, there had been a few studies looking at the relationship between mushroom consumption and depression, as explained in Futurity. Most clinical trials were with fewer than 100 participants. Researchers say this study highlights the potential medical and health importance of mushroom consumption as a way to reduce depression and prevent other diseases.

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