The authority says that two million Mexicans have been vaccinated in the United States

The authority says that two million Mexicans have been vaccinated in the United States
This content was posted on May 28, 2021 – 04:17

Mexico City, May 27 (EFE). – About two million Mexicans have traveled to the United States in recent months to be vaccinated against COVID-19, the Under Secretary of Health and the Mexican government’s strategic planner for fighting the epidemic said Thursday. Gatel.

The official said at the daily conference of the technical report of the disease, “We do not have a direct estimate, but some estimates are close to that this may reach two million Mexicans who have been vaccinated in the United States.”

He pointed out that there is a population group moving along the border, “and it may be the largest group of people who have been vaccinated.”

In addition, he explained, there are “other very specific and very small groups in urban areas, especially people with economic resources in Mexico City and in some cities of the country who took a plane, set off, got vaccinated and returned.”

He even said, “There are commercial packages that display this situation and charge between 14,000 and 15,000 pesos (between 700 and 750 dollars) for the entire process and there are people who have chosen them.”

Although quantifying is difficult, as the states of Texas, Arizona and Louisiana began immunization in April without restrictions or registering the immigration status of patients, there is a clear influx of Mexicans traveling to the United States to be vaccinated against Covid.

According to health authorities, as of Thursday in Mexico, 28,506,527 doses of the vaccine against COVID-19 had been given and a total of 120,71010 people had received the necessary doses to complete the vaccination plan.

Currently, the vaccination program includes adults over the age of 60, adults between the ages of 50 and 59, pregnant women, and medical and education personnel.

As of Thursday, Mexico had recorded 222,657 deaths and 2,405,772 coronavirus cases. EFE

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