The United States is working to issue vaccination passports to travelers

The United States is working to issue vaccination passports to travelers

Washington – National Security Minister Alejandro Mayorcas said Friday that the United States “is studying very carefully” the possibility of issuing vaccination passports for travelers entering or leaving the country.

The department headed by Mayoras oversees the Transportation Security Administration, which oversees the security of the country’s transportation systems.

Mayuras said in an interview with ABC Network that one of its guiding principles throughout the Covid-19 pandemic was “the value of diversity, equity, inclusiveness and making sure that any passport issued for vaccinations is available to everyone and that no one is excluded.”

The European Union, some Asian governments and the air transport sector are trying to create vaccination passports to promote international travel. They are trying to create systems that allow travelers to use apps on cell phones to prove their vaccination and thus avoid quarantining them upon arrival.

The key to everything, according to Mayuras, is “everyone should be vaccinated.”

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