The Azteca Stadium will not be at full capacity against the United States

The Azteca Stadium will not be at full capacity against the United States

The Azteca national team will face one of the main matches of the CONCACAF octagonal head to the World Cup without one of its strengths. The Azteca Stadium can’t be full against the United States In March due to the implementation of New measures to stamp out anti-gay outcry presented by the Mexican Football Federation on Monday.

In an interview with an Azteca Deportes analyst, David Medrano The president of the Mexican Football Federation, Yon de Luisa, stated that the protocols for requesting ticket registration, QR code and identification to fans. It will prevent the operation of the property with 80 thousand fans, Since the first tests that will take place in the next FIFA history With only two thousand people.

Presentation of the new image of the Mexican national team

“It is designed to be implemented in March against the United States and in the match against El Salvador, we will actually implement this control with access to the general public. Certainly there will be a pitch bias, We cannot imagine that from day to day we will be able to operate a stadium with a capacity of 80,000 people, but We will definitely have a good entrance against the United States Yoon de Luisa said.

They will defend the Mexican national team

The Azteca national team will start focusing from this weekend with the presentation of the first FIFA date for 2022 when they face Jamaica, Costa Rica and Panama In qualifying for the World Cup in Qatar.

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“We will create a big bubble in such a way that federation employees are in contact with the players They will remain in the CAR facilities bubble. The chefs, the tools, and all the people close to the national team will stay in a bubble with them. Once we’re in a bubble There will be no exits except for specific issues Related to the national team “revealed de Luisa.

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