Virtual Forum condemns the US embargo against Cuba – Juventud Rebeldi

Virtual Forum condemns the US embargo against Cuba – Juventud Rebeldi

Today, social activists, solidarity organizations and friends of different latitudes participate in the virtual forum “Challenge to Save Lives”. Climate change and the embargo against Cuba.

In the meeting, which was held by the Cuban Institute of Friendship with Peoples (ICAP), there will be a dialogue starting at 09:00 local time, about concern for the environment, the effects of climate change, and how the US blockade against this Caribbean country impedes actions to confront the problem.

It also condemns Cuba’s inclusion in the US government’s unilateral list of countries that sponsor terrorism, domestic subversive acts promoted and funded by Washington, and media campaigns to subvert internal order, as part of a soft strategy. Coup, ICAP reported.

According to the director of Asia and Oceania of that solidarity foundation, Lima Martinez, the Cuban side will present several environmental protection projects that are being implemented in the localities of the nation, according to Granma and PL newspaper. The forum will be broadcast live through ICAP’s YouTube channel, SiempreConCuba.

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