The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, live | The United States confirms that NATO is ready “whatever happens” | international

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, live |  The United States confirms that NATO is ready “whatever happens” |  international

Zoom | Ukraine condemns cyber-attacks on the websites of the Ministry of Defense and several banks

The Ukrainian Cyber ​​Security Center warned, on Tuesday, of computer attacks on the websites of the Ministry of Defense and the army and against state banks PrivatBank and Oschadbank, which took down the websites of those affected and also banned the use of funds. applications and some ATMs.

The Cyber ​​Security Organization, which relies on the government’s Center for Strategic Communications and Security, did not say who was behind the computer attacks. However, I surmised that Russia or Russian hackers might have been the authors. “We do not rule out that the aggressor is using dirty fighting methods because his large-scale aggressive plans are not working,” the Ukrainian center said in a statement posted on Facebook. Kiev has blamed Moscow for similar attacks in the past.

One of the issues Ukrainian citizens fear most is the development of cyber attacks affecting essential services, a scenario they see as more feasible than a hypothetical large-scale Russian invasion. in january, Ukraine suffered two major cyberattacks. One of them affected dozens of websites of state agencies and even hacked the system that stores medical data for Ukrainians.

Ukraine’s National Cyber ​​Security Agency has confirmed that at the moment there are no risks to citizens’ money in this latest incident, which was confirmed by PrivatBank and Oschadbank, which reported that their services had slowed down and warned of the possibility of further attacks. Tells Maria R

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