The deputy director of the municipal police was shot dead

The deputy director of the municipal police was shot dead

Juan Miguel Silva Alvarado, deputy director of police for the municipality of Culiacan, Sinaloa, was shot dead while walking the streets of the Bonanza division, in the Tres Rios neighborhood.

Culiacan authorities reported that the deputy director was carrying out a surveillance operation through bars and canteens in the state capital when he came under direct attack.

He said, “Individuals in this sector started carrying out deterrent rounds, and unfortunately they were intercepted by armed civilians, and that was a direct attack on them.” Sinaloa Public Security Agent, Carlos Alberto Hernandez Leiva.

The scene was attended by members of the National Guard, municipalities and state police.

The deputy director was accompanied by two other patrols. The policemen could not repel the attack because the attack was too fast. Long rifle casings were found at the scene.

This killing takes place an hour after The arrival of 224 military personnel and 63 members of the National Guardwho come to strengthen surveillance in Sinaloa.

with information from North West

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